Project 2 Reflection



In total, there are 2 projects in "Probability & Statistical Data Analysis" that required us to perform hypothesis testing on the samples. In project 2, we are required to conduct hypothesis testing for 1 or 2 samples, correlation, regression, chi-square test and etc on the secondary data set which has been collected by the others. We are allowed to choose our own topic and the testings which are conducted on the data set. The project is given to us to check whether we have the capability of conducting the hypothesis testings and applying the knowledge that we have learnt throughout the semester. 

First of all, I have choose a data set from the Kaggle website to be used in my project. After revising on the lecture notes, I have decided to choose a data set which is collected by Aman Ajmera on the topic of "Framingham Heart Study". This is because all the variables and data collected in this data set can be used to conduct the hypothesis testings that we have learnt in this course. When i am conducting the tests on the variables, I didn't use the solutions that I have proposed as I found out that there are other solutions which are more interesting than the ones that I have proposed. 

Next, this project required us to do all the calculation by using Rstudio. Since this is not the first time to code using Rstudio as I also have been using Rstudio in project 1, I didn't face any difficulty while using Rstudio anymore. From this project, I have gained some extra knowledge regarding the coding for correlation and regression because we have not learnt about this when we are doing project 1. Thus, I considered this project as a good practice for us to be more familiar with R coding as most of the time we do coding by using C++.

Last but not least, I have learnt a lot from this project. I am slowly in the process of mastering the R coding and starting to know the differences between each hypothesis testings and the ways to conduct it. Thus, this project is definitely a good way for the students to test their understanding about hypothesis testing. I would like to express my gratitude to my lecturer, Dr. Suhaila Mohamad Yusuf for guiding me in this project.