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In the early February, we have been informed that we will be conducting a project where we need to choose a proper case study among UTM students and make a thorough survey. After listing out all the cases, we decide to study about how student spend their money in university per month

The main reason of why we choose this topic for our project is because it is the most common situation that every students go through. Since our topic are quite general, we list out few categories that are common in student’s lifestyle. All the categories listed are based on student’s daily basis activity.

The categories that we created in this questionnaire include groceries, food and beverage, transportation, learning material, leisure, mobile data, laundry and others things that we have not mentioned.


We got 81 respondent from our Google form that we shared yesterday. Most of our respondent is a female with percentage 58%. We get 74 degree, 1 masters, 3 diploma, and 3 foundation respondent. 50 of them is first year student. We got respondent from 13 School, but the most respondent is from School of Computing and School of Mechanical Engineering. Almost all of our respondent is living inside UTM, only 2 of them living outside UTM Campus.

After we sort the data obtained, this is a list of the most expenses of UTM students food and beverage, transportation, mobile data, groceries, laundry, leisure, learning material and others.

We can sum this up with conclusion that most of our UTM student respondent is spend their money mostly for “Food and Beverage” categories. This is a normal thing, since food and beverage is human main daily needs for surviving in life. And also is a normal thing that “Transportation” is in the second position, since our school or faculty not near of our hostel we are need to move from one place to another place so its so reasonable if student who not owning a vehicle using university bus and spend their money in e-hailing.



The topic project that we chose was, “How UTM Student Spend Their Money”, this topic is a very general topic. So there will be lots of questions coming out of this topic. From the beginning of the making questionnaire questions, we made questions that were not too detailed, we also determined that the time spent was weekly or monthly to make it easier for respondents to answer questions. After our question was approved by Dr. Suhaila, we immediately shared the Google form that we made, we opened the Google Form within a period of several weeks. Our target respondents are students at UTM and thank God we got respondents from various faculties. After we got enough respondents, we immediately divided the tasks to process the data. We process the data based on a spreadsheet that we got from the Google form that we created earlier. We then divide the data based on the appropriate graph, and we divide the tasks for each person to make the graph.

From this graph, we learned how to process data through R programming, this is something new to me, before I never knew how to use R. After everyone was done with their R programming assignments, then we started to make reports for this project. After our report is complete, we make a presentation sourced from the report that we completed earlier. We also make presentations online using loom, this is also something I have just learned, it is not easy to make presentations online. I really appreciate the lecturer who made this video in the COVID-19 pandemic.

I am grateful to have a group that helps one another, backs up, and reminds one another. From the beginning this project began, we learned how to make the right questions for the form to be distributed, correct each other what we have made, and give each other good advice and input. Without them, this project would not have been completed on time.
Over time, I have new knowledge that I can use R programming, classify data based on the scale of measurement, and also make the right questions related to the topic.

Thank you Dr. Suhaila for the new knowledge that has been given to students, thank you my group mates who have worked hard together to complete this project and, thanks to the respondents of this project, without you our report would not have been possible.


