Reflective Writing



What happened? What did you do? What were the results?

From the TIS course, we learn about the basics of a computer ;

  1. Information Technology-internet-you
  2. Internet-Web-ElectronicCommerce
  3. Basic application software
  4. System software
  5. The system unit
  6. Input and output
  7. Secondary storage
  8. Communication Network
  9. Privacy and security
  10. Information systems
  11. Databases
  12. System Analysis and Design
  13. Programming and languages

We attend the PECIPTA'19 Exhibition in UTHM, MaGICX and CICT industrial visit in UTM. We are required to do a poster based on the exhibition shown in PECIPTA'19 and write a report on PECIPTA'19, MAGICX and CICT industrial visit. 

In design thinking project we are required to find a client with the following characteristic ;

  1. It illiterate
  2. Age more than 40 years old

We conduct an interview session as a part of the empathy phase in order to understand our client. From the information gathered in the Empathy phase, we try to find the roots of her problem during the define phase. In the Ideate phase, we do a brainstorming session among our team members to come up with solutions and choose the best among them. We create a prototype to get feedback from our client during the testing phase. However, we are required to get feedback from our senior expert, Dr. Adilah to check wherever our product should be launch to the market, our products are required to be redefined to suit the market needs. 

As the design thinking project is a part of our assignment, we are required to present a slide and video about the process of our group project. We are also required to write a report about the design thinking process itself.


Why does this skill, experience, or knowledge matter? What insight did you gain?

As I attend the exhibition from PECIPTA’19, MaGICX and CICT. I saw a lot of ideas being shown. These ideas could change how our society works, change how humans do things inside their specific community.
We learn that technology does not necessarily need to be expensive and revolutionary, but a solution in improving human quality of living. A concept that came from a simple idea, If are execute could potentially bring a new solution in fixing small to world problems. We learn that technologies take time to be developed. Even simple technologies take a lot of effort to be built, especially regarding the safety for the users. As technologies built, it keeps evolving into a better version of it as new concepts and ideas being applied. These change a lot of things for me. Instead of complaining of little things throughout our life we should think of how to make it better, instead of waiting for others to fix it. Otherwise, we will miss the chance to be one of the great entrepreneurs in this era of fast-evolving technologies.

During the Design Thinking Project, I learn how to actually find the needs of our clients, how to actually talk and do an interview session with a stranger instead of the people I know. Instead of creating a product based on our ideas, we should look at it from the perspective of our clients. Products are made for the needs of the customer. A great product results in a great satisfaction review.



What would you like to learn more about? 

Technology and Information System had taught many things. What would you like to learn more about?
Personally, I would love to learn how to become an entrepreneur, building my own company, creating my own products. However, there is never a shortcut to success. To become an entrepreneur you not only need a great knowledge of technologies but business itself. Design thinking teaches on how to create a great product and it is proven to work. Each phase in design thinking is there for a reason. Empathy teaches you to looks at things from the customer perspective. Define teach you to find the roots of your problem. Ideate and prototype used to create solutions in its physical form while testing uses to check whether the products are ready to be launch in the market.