Activity Information


Date: 27 & 28 September 2019


  • Masjid Sultan Ismail (Day 1)
  • Pantai Tanjung Balau (Day 2)

Organizer: Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI)

Role in The Activity

Role: Participant

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication skills

Even Though, the event is more focusing on spiritual belief, the event also involved working in a group. As a newcomer, we are required to get to know each other, each from a different course, region and background. Thus, the event is honing our social and communication skills. 


  • Leadership and Team working Skills

As the event is conducted in a team, we learned how to work as a team. There are multiple activities that need to be completed to reach a certain goal with each activity focusing on team building. We are required to have each other back, and try to do what we did best and be considerate of each other.

Mini Report

Program Photo

Self Reflection

This event is my first activity that I joined by my own wish and the first activity that involved places outside of university campus. At first, I joined the activity for the sole purpose of having BBQ with my friends. However, as I went through the event, I learned how to be grateful, I learned things that never came across my mind, I learned how to love god. I realized that my journey in UTM is not just to be successful, to graduate with high cgpa but also to learn how to give. The event gave me a reminder to have fun within the boundaries setted and never forget our duties as a fellow believer of god.