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SCSR Family Day

Date: 6 March 2020

Venue: Faculty of Computing (Preparation), UTM Observatory (BBQ)

Organizer: School of Computing (SCSR)

Role: Participation

Mini Report

The SCSR Family Day is an event that organizes by the School of Computing SCSR on 6 March 2020. This activity consists of several parts, which start from morning until night. The first part of this activity, the preparation for BBQ located at N28 Building, School of Computing, UTM and for the second part, the BBQ night is held at Observatory UTM. My role in this activity is participant. I join this activity to get acquainted with the member in the same course (Computer Network and Security) and interact with SCSR lecturers. Because I am still a freshman at that time, there is not much interaction with other faculty members. So, this activity gives me the opportunity to know more about my course. The Graduate Attribute that this activity focused on is the Communication Skills and Teamworking Skills attribute. For the first part, we need to do preparation for the BBQ activity in the morning. All ingredient for cooking needs to be prepared so the BBQ event will run smoothly. In the BBQ activity, there was a quiz about SCSR and lucky draw.


The first activity requires all participant to work with each other to prepare many ingredients for BBQ. In this activity, I learned how to respect others' opinions and establish a good rapport with them to do all tasks successfully. This activity improves my ability to interact and work productively with other SCSR students. The second activity, the BBQ night, allowed me to enhance my communication skills attribute. It can improve my ability to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds. I can interact with SCSR members that have different ethnic group. I also can make new friends from another country because the SCSR course has many International students. My advantage in this activity is that I have quite a lot of knowledge about other countries, so my communication with International students becomes more smooth. The challenge in the preparation activity is that I need to work as a team with strangers to complete the tasks. Thus, it is essential for me to create a bond with other group members.