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Computer Networks and Security Symposium

Date: 16 April 2021

Venue: Persaka UTM Facebook platform

Organizer: Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (Persaka)

Role: Participation (Audience)

Mini Report

This symposium is held using the Persaka UTM Facebook platform on 16 April 2021. The symposium organised by Persaka UTM invited two panellists: Dr Muhammad Reza as a researcher, and Mr Mukhlis, from the network industry. I became the symposium audience because I want to know more about my future job prospect as Computer Network and Security student. I can improve my job planning after I know the necessary skills needed for my future journey. The Graduate Attributes that are focused on this symposium are Adaptability attribute as I need to find potential for improving my job planning. The symposium starts with Dua recitation by Student Arif and the introduction of panellists. After that, Dr Reza starts the sharing session following by Mr Mukhlis. The panellist shares their academic and working background. They share many experience and tips to become a successful researcher or advance in the network industry. The symposium ended with Question and Answer session.


All experience and tips given by the panellist allow me to adapt any potential solution to improve my job planning. I also can initiate and implement change on my current study routine to enhance the required skill to realize my planning. From Mr Mukhlis, I know that there was no CCNA course when he studied at UTM in 2004 so, his learning process becomes more challenging. Nowadays, learning program in University become more complete and organize so students can improve their study smoothly. To take this advantages, I need to utilize this learning chance properly. Thus, I can develop my skills efficiently. My challenge in planning my future academic path is I do not have clear knowledge about the skill needed. The experience shared by the panellist will solve my problems. One of the mention skills is programming skill. According to Dr Reza, programming skill help him implement the algorithm and doing experiment during his research. He also said that improving communication skills and practice problems solving skills are fundamental.