Report Writing for ExCEL

Report Writing Activity 1 (Family Day SCSR)

Programme Information

  • Date             :  06th March 2020
  • Venue          :  Balai Cerap, UTM Skudai
  • Organizer    :  SECR

Graduate Attribute

  1. Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  2. Adaptability


Position: Committee Member (Treasurer for year 1 SECR)

I was assigned for this role by SECR coordinator, Ms Marina. My task was to collect money from year 1 SECR (2019) to participate the bbq event

Mini Report

On the date of 6 of March 2020, the coordinator of  SCSR, Ms Marina held an event called Family Day SCSR 2020. The event is annually held by the coordinator. Ms Marina with the help of SCSR Committee successfully carry out the event. The event consist of spring cleaning and barbeque, which both of those was held on the same day. Both of these are optional for the SCSR students, meaning that you have an option either to join one of those event, or both or not join at all. The spring cleaning event was held at the Student Lounge exclusively for SCSR students and the barbeque event was held at the Balai Cerap, UTM. In addition, during the barbeque event there is also a lucky draw where the leader of SCSR Committee draw one of the name of the Family Day SCSR 2020 participant and give the prize. The venue for the barbeque event is very great, since the Balai Cerap is on top of the hill, so it has a very beautiful scenery and has a very wide open space to held so many people.


For this event, I held a position of a treasurer and my task was to collect the participation money from my batch which was 1 SECR 19/20. I also need to confirm of who coming to the barbeque and who is not and need to update the student list in Microsoft  excel so that our committee leader can see an update our progress for Ms Marina (coordinator of SCSR). The challenges that I encountered throughout my journey is to face the stubborn students who do not answer if they were coming or not, or when I ask whether to pay online or cash. So, to solve this problem I have to find them and talk to them physically and I need to make myself strict so that they give me an answer straight away. I was able to get through with this solution and able to give the money to the head treasurer, Alyaa (4 SCSR), on time. From this, I was able to enhanced my leadership and teamworking skills since I work with other treasurer and adaptability skills since I need to adapt to the situations in order to carry out my task.