Date : 14 January 2023

Venue/Platform : Dewan Kejora, N28a UTM Johor Bahru Campus

Organizer : Faculty of Computing

Program Information

This competition was organized by the Faculty of Computing of UTM as a part of the initiative to nurture students with extraordinary startup business ideas and to help them develop their pitching skills. During the assessment period, computing students were requested to briefly record their startup idea on a tech startup. Having said that, the students utilized business model like NABC to organize their idea and ideate the startup with the help of entrepreneurship lecturers. The final assessment was done is Dewan Kejora with judges criticizing and providing constructive feedbacks to the presenters. This competition was indeed helpful for the students to develop their business ideas and instill the creative and entrepreneurial mindset in students.


Graduate Attributes

  1.  Interpersonal skills
  2. Entrepreneurial skills
  3. Creativity
  4. Leadership
  5. Critical thinking
  6. Teamwork


Role in the program



Mini Report

The Startup' 23 Pitching Competition revolves around a revolutionizing idea to encourage students to develop business ideas based on real life problems. The students involved in the competition were given a chance to improve their pitching skills, creativity and entrepreneurial mindset which will be useful for them as they enter the working life. As for this competition, it was initiated by the Dean of Faculty of Computing. Furthermore, one of the judges was Ms. Kay Moris who is the founder of Start IIX Sdn Bhd. She provided valuable feedbacks to the students to further enhance their pitching skills and educated on how students can identify pain points to come up with a viable business idea. After the pitching session, there was a prize giving ceremony which concluded the event.


Self Reflection

I got to further develop my pitching skills and critical thinking when I joined as one of participants in this event. I was required to work with the group members who are from various backgrounds. I worked with the group to conduct NABC analysis and come up with a solid business idea. We successfully enter the final assessment session where I pitched the idea and received valuable feedbacks to further enhance the idea which I proposed.  One of the challenge that I faced during this event was that I had a tough time identifying the features that I can implement in the product. To overcome this situation, I referred to my entrepreneurship lecturer. I'm glad that the other group members were also very supportive and accountable. 




PSM 1 Reflection Video -Ilamuhil A/L Kathiravan

I'm Ilamuhil A/L Kathiravan (A20EC0047) . My project name is Smart Health Assistant Mirror using IoT and AI 


Date : 21 Oct to 23 October

Venue/Platform : L50

Organizer : AIESEC in Johor Bahru

Program Information

AIESEC is a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. It is a global platform that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural internships, and global volunteer exchange experiences. As a part of the membership development initiative, this conference was organized by AIESEC in Johor Bahru in a national scale. This conference aims to introduce AIESEC to the new recruits, upscale their competency according to their own department, and to enhance their network as we collaborated with TalentCorp Malaysia in one of the session during the conference

Graduate Attributes

  1.  Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  2. Communication skills
  3. Adaptability
  4. Design thinking

Role in the program

Organizing Committee Member of Marketing Department

Mini Report

The courses under the SINAR Initiative are expected to help students to remain competent, skilled as well as in line with the needs of the current world. All students can seize the opportunity to improve their skills through various courses that will be provided as well as provide added value to them and increase the potential for success of job marketability. As for this talk, it was delivered by Dr. Hema Rosheny Binti Mustafa. During the event she started teaching pronunciation. She exposed the students on how to pronounce in the right way and made the session interactive by having a QnA session and demonstration. Next, the participants were taught about active and passive voicings. She clearly highlighted the differences and further explained on tenses. After the speaker's session, there were activities where the participants need to answer Kahoot question as an exercise. Before the program ended, there are photography sessions with the participants and speakers.


Self Reflection

I got to further develop my creativity and leadership skills when I joined as one of committee member of this event. I was required to work with the members with various mindset . My unit successfully completed the expected tasks that are assigned to us on time. We managed to come out with the marketing materials, and marketing ideas to contribute to the revenue of the conference. One of the challenge that I faced during this event was that I had a tough time in managing my time as I had a lot of other activities and assignments at the same time. To overcome this situation, I prioritized my tasks from time to time according to the task's urgency. I'm glad that the members in my unit were also very cooperative and empathetic.

Basic English Course SINAR

Date : 12 November

Venue/Platform : Webex

Organizer : Kolej Tun Dr Ismail (KTDI)

Program Information

As part of the SINAR 2021 program activities in cooperation with the Fellow, Council and Student College Committee of KTDI, the Basic English Language Course was held on 12th November 2021 via Webex. This course was prepared and delivered by DR. HEMA ROSHENY BINTI MUSTAFA. The course included a detailed workbook and offered an in-depth knowledge into the English language. This course was very adaptable to all regardless of age as it offers information from basic to advanced level.

Graduate Attributes

  1.  Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  2. Communication skills
  3. Adaptability
  4. Thinking skills

Role in the program

Organizing Committee (Bureau Chief)

Mini Report

The courses under the SINAR Initiative are expected to help students to remain competent, skilled as well as in line with the needs of the current world. All students can seize the opportunity to improve their skills through various courses that will be provided as well as provide added value to them and increase the potential for success of job marketability. As for this talk, it was delivered by Dr. Hema Rosheny Binti Mustafa. During the event she started teaching pronunciation. She exposed the students on how to pronounce in the right way and made the session interactive by having a QnA session and demonstration. Next, the participants were taught about active and passive voicings. She clearly highlighted the differences and further explained on tenses. After the speaker's session, there were activities where the participants need to answer Kahoot question as an exercise. Before the program ended, there are photography sessions with the participants and speakers.


Self Reflection

I got to further develop my adaptability skill and leadership skills when I joined as one of committee member of this event. I was required to work with the crew members who are from various backgrounds. I was also the chief of the Multimedia Unit where I learnt to lead the members under my unit by giving instructions on what they need to do by equally distributing the tasks. My unit successfully completed the expected tasks that are assigned to us on time. We managed to come out with the registration posters, virtual backgrounds, countdown posters and cert template. One of the challenge that I faced during this event was that I had a tough time in managing my members s I have no prior experience in handling a department. To overcome this situation, I referred to my program director and the other bureau chiefs for guidance to improve my competency as a leader. I'm glad that the members in my unit were also very supportive and accountable. 

SINAR Cert.png

Probability and Statistical Analysis Course Reflection

Firstly, this course, which is on statistical analysis and statistical tools , definitely intrigued me to do my own researches and helped me a lot to complete the course project.Having said that,the project 2 of this course requires a deeper understanding on data analysis and requires the knowledge of the implementation of statistical tools and R language.On top of that,this project has made me to revise and relearn some important concepts of this course which is a great way to do revision for my finals as it is around the corner. However,due to a lot of assignments and projects,I had some difficulties in managing my time to cram in all of it into my schedule which made me stressed. But,thanks to Dr. Nies, who helped us a lot by giving frequent advices and reminders in order for us to complete out project successfully.Moreover,she even considered our tight schedule and gave us some extra time which helped us to cope up with our assignments.Apart from that, my group mates as well as my course mates have also helped me to go through this journey by giving me guidance and tolerated me although I mess up at times.In a nutshell,I have gained so much of knowledge which I will be using in the upcoming semesters.Not only that, due to the practical approach of this course,I've managed to learn everything hands on,which provided me a more precise knowledge on how to implement it practically.


Overall Reflection

   In my opinion, I should be having the ability to balance my duties .To elaborate, that will be the first skill and also my first task ,where I have to educate myself on qualities like time management and efficient time allocation .Moreover, this famous quote by Zig Ziglar , “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” has always been my daily affirmation where it fuels my burning desire and drives me to my ultimate goal. Having said that, my vision is to learn as much as possible no matter how hard and complicated the journey is. Because learning is the only thing that will cherish us with greatness. On top of that, I really hope that I can enhance my interpersonal skills in the learning process. For instance, I want to learn entrepreneurship and ethics as an educated person. Entrepreneurship teaches a student, crucial life skills that will help them to navigate this uncertain future. Skills like problem-solving, teamwork, empathy, as well as learning to accept failure as a part of the growth process will be worth it because this pretty much will amplify my survival skills.  Talking about ethics, I believe that ethics is what makes us a complete human being. So, throughout my journey in UTM,I really want to improvise myself and implant some ethics to add value to myself. Besides that, leadership is the utmost quality that a student should have. More significantly, I will work on myself to ignite my social abilities and obtain leadership skills .

   Next, I have planned to transform myself to an active student in order to my goals as an undergraduate student. Talking about being active, I have taken a decision to learn additional skills like video editing, journaling so that I can help the lecturers and the senior students to complete their works. By doing these, I am pretty sure that I can get familiar with research jobs and improve myself. Moreover, I also want to join several clubs like UTM Cyber X and Robocon to expose myself to new knowledge about my own field which is network and security. Besides that, I also will be getting chance to join hackathons and competitions.

   My goals which I want to reach while at UTM is to maintain a consistent CGPA and receive a dean's list award.Moreover,I also want to participate in competition representing .

Assignment 3-PC Assembly

This assignment is all about Pc assembly where I gained knowledge on the assembly of a PC step by step and the tools that can be used to do it.

Assignment 4 Cloud Computing

In my opinion,The AWS has a clear advantage when it comes to number of services and applications provided to the
customers . The Amazon Machine Images Business Application Catalog is by far the largest cloud vendor
in the world.On top of that, simce Amazon is not restricted by any operating system, the additional
advantage is that support for open-source applications is stronger. However, while AWS does help
solutions such as container services, Elastic Beanstalk, Batch, and Lambda support the deployment of
applications like Microsoft Azure Services.Moreover,the other downside of AWS is the cost which is
actually one of the main concerns of the customers.On the other hand,GCP has a great advantage when it
comes to affordability and it offers the most cost-effective services.In my opinion, the best of the cloud
service provider for my software development is GCP.Because it will be easy for us to develop and scale
up the app since we are familiar with GCP services like Gmail and Google Drive.Besides, as our project
will be a startup I think it is the best for us to chose GCP which is an all rounder.To sum it up,this assignment is clearly an eye opener to me and I have learnt so much about Clould Computing.

Industry Talk 3

In total, the talk was an eye opener to me especially when it comes to the skills needed to cope up with the current job world and an insight on the working environment. On top of that, the speakers were very knowledge which we can consider as the strength of the talk. The only impairment of the talk was the time allocated to it. I personally learnt and realised the importance of practical skills and soft skills to compete with the other graduates. Ultimately, the talk pretty much motivated me to be active and gain experience through my university life.

Industry Talk 2

Industry Talk 2 Report(IEEE format)