Date : 14 January 2023

Venue/Platform : Dewan Kejora, N28a UTM Johor Bahru Campus

Organizer : Faculty of Computing

Program Information

This competition was organized by the Faculty of Computing of UTM as a part of the initiative to nurture students with extraordinary startup business ideas and to help them develop their pitching skills. During the assessment period, computing students were requested to briefly record their startup idea on a tech startup. Having said that, the students utilized business model like NABC to organize their idea and ideate the startup with the help of entrepreneurship lecturers. The final assessment was done is Dewan Kejora with judges criticizing and providing constructive feedbacks to the presenters. This competition was indeed helpful for the students to develop their business ideas and instill the creative and entrepreneurial mindset in students.


Graduate Attributes

  1.  Interpersonal skills
  2. Entrepreneurial skills
  3. Creativity
  4. Leadership
  5. Critical thinking
  6. Teamwork


Role in the program



Mini Report

The Startup' 23 Pitching Competition revolves around a revolutionizing idea to encourage students to develop business ideas based on real life problems. The students involved in the competition were given a chance to improve their pitching skills, creativity and entrepreneurial mindset which will be useful for them as they enter the working life. As for this competition, it was initiated by the Dean of Faculty of Computing. Furthermore, one of the judges was Ms. Kay Moris who is the founder of Start IIX Sdn Bhd. She provided valuable feedbacks to the students to further enhance their pitching skills and educated on how students can identify pain points to come up with a viable business idea. After the pitching session, there was a prize giving ceremony which concluded the event.


Self Reflection

I got to further develop my pitching skills and critical thinking when I joined as one of participants in this event. I was required to work with the group members who are from various backgrounds. I worked with the group to conduct NABC analysis and come up with a solid business idea. We successfully enter the final assessment session where I pitched the idea and received valuable feedbacks to further enhance the idea which I proposed.  One of the challenge that I faced during this event was that I had a tough time identifying the features that I can implement in the product. To overcome this situation, I referred to my entrepreneurship lecturer. I'm glad that the other group members were also very supportive and accountable.