Assignment 4 Cloud Computing

In my opinion,The AWS has a clear advantage when it comes to number of services and applications provided to the
customers . The Amazon Machine Images Business Application Catalog is by far the largest cloud vendor
in the world.On top of that, simce Amazon is not restricted by any operating system, the additional
advantage is that support for open-source applications is stronger. However, while AWS does help
solutions such as container services, Elastic Beanstalk, Batch, and Lambda support the deployment of
applications like Microsoft Azure Services.Moreover,the other downside of AWS is the cost which is
actually one of the main concerns of the customers.On the other hand,GCP has a great advantage when it
comes to affordability and it offers the most cost-effective services.In my opinion, the best of the cloud
service provider for my software development is GCP.Because it will be easy for us to develop and scale
up the app since we are familiar with GCP services like Gmail and Google Drive.Besides, as our project
will be a startup I think it is the best for us to chose GCP which is an all rounder.To sum it up,this assignment is clearly an eye opener to me and I have learnt so much about Clould Computing.