
Industry Talk 3

From my point of view, every speaker has their own way to grab the audience’s attention. In this talk, they manage to make the students to pay attention to them as they use a relaxing intonation during the session. The talk supposedly needs to be a face-to-face session with the students to make them pay more attention because the online platform was fully dependent on the internet connection. This is the only weakness that I have found from the talk. The speakers have motivated me to gain other soft skills such learning the basic of python language and practice a good communication between people. This will boost my chances to be hired by the company that I have dream to work for since beginning. 

Industry Talk 2

Becoming a rich and popular software engineer has been my dream since the beginning. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has provided me a lot of opportunities, programs and much more for me to achieve my goals. One of them is the course that I take, which is a Technology Information System that makes my future seem promising as it teaches me a lot of important things. This industrial talk gave me new information which is the path that I need to cross to become a project management. The speaker itself is an experienced Project Manager that has led a lot of big projects that cost millions. Thus, he inspired me to be patient and focused on anything I do in order to become a successful software engineer. To do so, I need to learn a lot of social skills, soft skills and survival skills to be a competent employee in the industry.

Industry Talk 1

This are the poster that me and my team have created:

Industry talk 1 poster.png

There are several things that I have learned during the Industrial Talk 1. First and foremost, as a human being, we need to realize how important the existence of technology. Technology help us in education, business, communication and many other things. The 4th Industrial Revolution are the highest peak of the technology where people compete with each other to make a new and a better version of existing technology. One of the newest technology that have been invented is 5G networking. 5G networking boost the internet to reach higher speed compared to 4G and this is good news for people around the globe as internet help people to do a lot of work and seeking for new information. The speaker also mentioned about the future jobs that might available for people to work for. This job opportunity looks promising and I need to learn a lot about the latest technology and also learn from the past as it can helps me to be selected as one of the employees. In conclusions, this talk teach me to pay attention to what happen around me and I need to develop myself to be a successful person.

Chapter Presentation

Our lecturer ask each of the group to make a video for chapter presentation for the second assignment. My team choose chapter 9 as our topic which is Privacy, Security and Ethics. We divide the task fairly to each member after we all agreed from the discussion that have been done. My task is I need to edit the introduction part and combine all the other parts into a complete video. Since, I only have a basic skills to edit a video, I use Powtoon Workspace to make an interesting introduction. From there, I saw a lot of interesting template and it is user friendly. For editing , I combine all the video by using OBS Studio. This two platforms help me to enhance my soft skills as it use an easy method that give a big  impact to the user. My teammates are also very supporting and reliable. They always help me if I need something. This is why group members selection is the most important things that we to consider to make a great team. 

This are the link for our chapter presentation:

Design Thinking Project

Design Thinking Project are one of the early assignment that I need to during my first year as a degree student. This project teach me how to be patient and how to manage my time properly . At first, our lecturer brief about our very first assignment which is this project and we need to gather 5 people for each group. My group is Group 6 and we have decided to make a better payWave system . Our main purpose is to make sure only the user can use their own debit/credit card since people can easily make the transaction under RM250. My task is I need to gather all the information regarding this issue. I use google forms as our main platform to do the survey and we use all the data to make sure our prototype give the benefits to the society. 

These were some of the data that I have collected:



From these data, It makes my work much easier as I can trace what are the main suggestions that can be applied to our prototype. For the conclusions, I hope that our innovation can make  people realize about the importance of payWave system's security.


Link for the video of the project: