Reflection / Reflection /
Industry Talk 1

This are the poster that me and my team have created:

Industry talk 1 poster.png

There are several things that I have learned during the Industrial Talk 1. First and foremost, as a human being, we need to realize how important the existence of technology. Technology help us in education, business, communication and many other things. The 4th Industrial Revolution are the highest peak of the technology where people compete with each other to make a new and a better version of existing technology. One of the newest technology that have been invented is 5G networking. 5G networking boost the internet to reach higher speed compared to 4G and this is good news for people around the globe as internet help people to do a lot of work and seeking for new information. The speaker also mentioned about the future jobs that might available for people to work for. This job opportunity looks promising and I need to learn a lot about the latest technology and also learn from the past as it can helps me to be selected as one of the employees. In conclusions, this talk teach me to pay attention to what happen around me and I need to develop myself to be a successful person.