Reflection /
Design Thinking Project

Design Thinking Project are one of the early assignment that I need to during my first year as a degree student. This project teach me how to be patient and how to manage my time properly . At first, our lecturer brief about our very first assignment which is this project and we need to gather 5 people for each group. My group is Group 6 and we have decided to make a better payWave system . Our main purpose is to make sure only the user can use their own debit/credit card since people can easily make the transaction under RM250. My task is I need to gather all the information regarding this issue. I use google forms as our main platform to do the survey and we use all the data to make sure our prototype give the benefits to the society. 

These were some of the data that I have collected:



From these data, It makes my work much easier as I can trace what are the main suggestions that can be applied to our prototype. For the conclusions, I hope that our innovation can make  people realize about the importance of payWave system's security.


Link for the video of the project: