My First thoughts on the Project

I want this project to be well documented so I can look back in these 2 to 3 months with nostalgia.

I have just received My Probability and statistical Analysis Project which is the replacement for the Final Exam due to the Covid-19 quarantine. The task is to get data, any data and analyze it with the knowledge I have obtained in the course, mainly hypothesis testing. I am surprisingly excited and scared for this type of project.

I am excited because I have so many ideas that can be used for the project. I could possibly analyze a sports team score and compare their average score, deviation of time in each match or population of each win compared to the number of games played. There are so many possibilities can be used for data analysis.

But I am also very scared. scared of the stress that will inevitably fall pon me during the weeks of data gathering and analysing. The fear of not being able to do the project. And also the fear of letting people down by getting there hopes up. 

Even so, I shall remain optimistic about this project. I have always been the one to see all possibilities no matter how great or terribly it can or could be.