PSDA Reflection for Assignment 2

A small page for my reflections conduction PSda assignemnt

My First thoughts on the Project

I want this project to be well documented so I can look back in these 2 to 3 months with nostalgia.

I have just received My Probability and statistical Analysis Project which is the replacement for the Final Exam due to the Covid-19 quarantine. The task is to get data, any data and analyze it with the knowledge I have obtained in the course, mainly hypothesis testing. I am surprisingly excited and scared for this type of project.

I am excited because I have so many ideas that can be used for the project. I could possibly analyze a sports team score and compare their average score, deviation of time in each match or population of each win compared to the number of games played. There are so many possibilities can be used for data analysis.

But I am also very scared. scared of the stress that will inevitably fall pon me during the weeks of data gathering and analysing. The fear of not being able to do the project. And also the fear of letting people down by getting there hopes up. 

Even so, I shall remain optimistic about this project. I have always been the one to see all possibilities no matter how great or terribly it can or could be.


End of Individual PSDA Project

For the longest time, I have thought data manipulation was easy. Just grab the data and put up on a graph I thought. I was wrong. there is so much complexity to everything it is hard to keep track of it. To how I got the data and how to manipulate it to how I going to test and present it is all way too difficult but rewarding just the same.

At the start when I try to decide what topic I was going to, I first picked something simple and fun. League of legends game data. But as I saw it, I can't really use any of the data in a meaningful way that actually meant something. It was all too mundane. So I go with something a little bit easier but a lot more meaningful. Suicide rate. It is an important topic and something that screams important.

Then came, to the barren month of laziness. I did not get to work on the project for weeks. I did not know why. Maybe I keep getting distracted, maybe I always found a reason not to do it. When I did get around to doing it, all that laziness became a memory of regret as I was not prepared for what was I about to do. It was far more complicated than I thought. All that early enthusiasm has left and all that was left was stress.

When I started the project, I first have to get to know R. And I am completely grateful about its existence as I am unable to half the things I did without. Every new facet and complexity I found while exploring R gives a whole new dimension into Data manipulation, a whole new way to view the results and test each hypothesis. Even though I would love to explore more into it, I have a job to do and I have no time to explore off the beaten path. So I took a simple crash course and got to work.

At first, it was simple, put data create graphs, do hypothesis testing, does report, create a video. but each step always has a slight minor complication that can pile up. It has cost me much sleepless night, trying to figure out what was my next step is. It was completely stressful. But each time I complete a task I set out to do, I celebrated and gave me more motivation to go one with it. I will always remember the first time I accomplish simply transferring my data set into R after days going through different methods. It comes to say, I will always regret not bringing my laptop into the class where they introduce us to R. I wish I had paid attention more.

Finally, at the end of the project, I feel contempt with my work. Not completely satisfied as I know there are many things I can improve one. For one, my wording and research felt subpar, along with my regression model as I had to rush that part in the last minute. I also felt that I could do more with the data on hand if I know how to properly manipulate my data to emphasize the point that I made. But in the end, I am contempt with the final product. It is amateurish, nothing a real data scientist should have made, but the first step in the most important one, even if I tripped and fall. I hope that I could improve upon my work and my time management skills so I can do a better job.
