Industrial Visit 4- ADAX

Industrial Visit 4- ADAX

      ASEAN Data Analytics eXchange (ADAX) is a hub to catalyse data technology ecosystem by developing talents, promoting technology which related to data, and to proliferate adoption for the transformation of business intelligence in Malaysia as well as ASEAN regions. It is a platform initiated by MDEC to build crucial mass of talent pool in the Big Data Analytics Category and to cultivate collaboration between businesses, goverment, academia and professionals so that Data Analytics becomes one of the vital part of business innovation and decision making. ADAX was formerly introduced through MSC Malaysia Implementation Council Meeting in October 2015 as one of the platform that presents innovative development models and showcases the latest Big Data Analytics (BDA) technologies. The objectives of ADAX are to advocacy vital information through Data Driven Organisations (DDO) for universities, industries and the public sector. Other than that, ADAX is platform to build ecosystem through trainings, data sharing, setting up framework and tracking quality and the number of data professionals in the country.

       It was a great experiences spending around ADAX. This trip had given me a different perspectives about the jobscopes for data analysis. After meet up with all of the data professionals in ADAX, it really inspired me a lot from their experiences about their career in data analytic.This really motivated me to achieve the best I can and to learn more skills so that it would be meaningful in the future. All of the programs that are being offered by MDEC is very good for us graduates. It can improve us as fresh graduates in the future so that we will be more marketable. Therefore, if I had the time and opportunity to join the programs, I believe that it definitely will benefits to me.

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