Industrial Visit 5-CIMB BANK BERHAD


Industrial Visit 5-CIMB BANK BERHAD

                 CIMB is a group of commercial bank in Malaysia which act as a leader in ASEAN universal bank. CIMB bank is one of the largest investment banks in Asia as well as one of the largest Islamic banks in the world. Since 1974, CIMB bank had established in Malaysia and the headquarter office was placed at Kuala Lumpur.

              Visitation to CIMB Bank has given us enormous benefits for our own objectives. Through this visit, it gave us a brief overview of what we data engineering students are going to face for the future. In addition, the visit also shows us how important it is to seize every opportunity, especially in the field of data management and IT which helped us to study in our courses. During the seminars given by the professionals in CIMB, they talked about the internship they offered in their company. This is beneficial to us who will be preparing for a one- year internship at 2u2i. 

       In this context, we need to take various measures to improve our potential in the industry. Generally, one of the measures that must be taken were we need to stay focus on our studies and try to achieve good results. Other than that, we must also maintain our curriculum, such as joining university clubs. This is important in buliding up our social networks and soft skills in workplace as social interactions are very important for our future preferences. Soft skills such as presentation skills, interviews and much more are also important for us to improve our future.

          I n order to improve our potential in this industry, especially the growth and the new wave of Industry Revolution 4.0, some plans need to be made. One of the most important plans is to set some framework conditions for certain industries or industries to which we want to join in the next five to six years. Industry 4.0 will be close to the vast, moving world. Therefore, future planning frameworks must be created to prepare us for possible opportunities.
