Industrial Talk 1 - eREZEKI

Industrial Talk 1 - eREZEKI

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          I’m grateful to be one of the participants for this industrial talk held by MDEC about their programme Global Online Workforce (GLOW) or e-Rezeki. I would also like to express my appreciation for guest speaker, Mr Mohd Ihsanuddin Jamhari who took time and effort in sharing his thoughts and experiences with us. The programme intrigues me, and I plan to learn more about e-Rezeki in the future.

            As being part of the next-generation in transformational age, it is important to have responsibility for the digital transformation. I strongly believe that this programme will propel a long-term growth in the transition of digital economy where technologies and applications are continuously reshaping and reinventing industry landscapes and business patterns in our country.

          After the industrial talk, I had gained new perspectives on full-time freelancing careers. Before this I used to think that freelancing is a risky job as no permanent employee benefits is provided as well as unstable incomes. But then freelancing is not a bad thing after all under the demand of e-commercial is growing gradually. Mr Mohd Ihsanuddin Jamhari also showed a few examples of people who joined the programme of E-Rezeki and achieved remarkable results. For example, Miss Suhaiel Binti Amdan who works as translator and transcriber in e-Rezeki platform has earned US $15 per hour with a total income of RM58,000 annually.

            Other than that, e -Rezeki has provided a great working oppurtunies for computer science students. It was good to know that all the soft skills and hard skills we learned from our course can be applied on our careers. As for the fear of facing jobless after graduated was solved after recognizing this programme held my MDEC.

           Overall, I was very grateful with the amount of things that I have learned from this industrial talk. I believe that University of Technology Malaysia should keep this aspect of the Computer Science course as it does provide students with the experiences needed in order to find a job in future.

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