Semester 1 2019/2020


Technology and Information System (WBL)

11th November 2019 - Photos in Gallery CICT UTM


29th September 2019-Photo in Petronas Tower


Reflection on Technology and Information System

What is your goal / dream with regard to your course / program?

  This course, which is Data Engineering is a course that we choose to pursue our dream. We want to learn more and gain more knowledge related to this course. We hope that we can get the knowledge about computer, the system inside the computer and other knowledge related to the subject in Data Engineering course and we also hope that we can be a successful data engineer or data scientist in the future. To achieve our dream, we must study smart and apply all the knowledge in our life. Maintain a good result is also one of the key to be a successful data engineer or data scientist. At the end, we should be able to graduate with a first class degree and secure a career in the data science field.

How does this design thinking impact on your goal/dream with regard to your program?

         From this visit, we gained a lot of benefits including tones of information and knowledge. First of all, we can gain more knowledge, especially about the item that was once used before the existence of modern technology. Initially, we just hear from our lecturers about the mainframe, server and so on but during this visit, we can see with our own eyes how the mainframe looks like and also its types and we also can see the other historical components of the computer. Secondly, from this visit we can learn on how the technology has been growing which is from the usage of the computers is very limited until now where everyone can use the computers. It shows the importance of technology nowadays and why we need to be future ready. Before this, not everyone know how to use the computers, only professionals know how to use. But, everybody is having their own computers and that’s what makes  our life easier. Therefore we should develop spirit and motivation in our self to study and prepare for the challenges ahead.

What is the action/improvement/plan necessary for you to improve your potential in the industry?

            As for the improvement that we can do is we must make sure that we get a good and excellent result so that the industry will recognise our abilities. Aside from the excellent result, our soft skills should also been given equal concern because it is being primarily evaluated by the industries. Good communication skills, writing skills, specializations in various programming languages are vital.
