Semester 1 2019/2020


Digital Logic


Book of digital logic


Timing diagram


Deeds simulator


Reflection on Digital Logic

I have learned a great deal of materials in Ms Rashidah . In her class, we study about topics pertaining to lecture, technology, and labs. This allowed me to become a better critical thinker because his course requires us to analyze and reflect on readings more than just giving a brief summary about them. After taking this course for about three months, I have realized that it had made a significant change in my life. When I am attending in classes such as lab or normal class, not only am I understanding the readings better than before but I am also analyzing the information, forming my own thoughts (at times I even present my ideas to the members in class), and incorporating ideas from the past to increase the understanding towards the topic that I would’ve given up in the past. I value the qualities that this Digital Logic course gifts to the students because it has improved me as a student, learner, and as an active member in the society.
