Year 2 - 2020/2021

Semester 1


This semester I feel I have learned to approach my work more open-mindedly and with a greater appreciation for the essay writing process and academic writing generally. At the beginning of the semester I was less than excited to be writing a research heavy, 10 page long argument essay. It seemed like a lot of work that just rehashed what I had already learned in high school and matriculation. However, as the semester progressed, I realized I was far from an expert on essay writing, not to mention research or critical thinking. I found myself more and more interested in not only the subject of my essay, but the methods of researching, argument crafting and general learning we were doing in class. My critical thinking has strengthened over the courses of the semester. I tend to realized how important soft and communication skills since this semester I had to communicate with my clients in order to produce a good system. Developing a system seems to be challenge for me at first, however as time goes by, I do enjoy in developing them with my helpful teammates.