Year 2 - 2020/2021

Report Activity No 2

Programme Information

  • Date             : 10th December to 11th December 2020
  • Venue          :  Virtual Platform (PERSAKA Official Facebook Page)
  • Organizer    :  Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA)

Mini Report

Self Reflection

As a treasurer, I was in charge in planning the budget for this whole program that is, in terms of prizes and appreciation gift for winners and speakers. In fact, I had to provide a prospectus in order to gain sponsorship either from UTM or outsider’s party. I was thankful that Nur Atiqah, treasurer of PERSAKA helped me a lot in producing an attractive prospectus. However, due to some constraints, we managed to get a sponsor from UTM student welfare (HEP).

            Several meetings were held with the high council of PERSAKA in order to give the latest update about current progress for each biro. On budget side, we used to discuss on the total budget needed and how to get the money before the program started. I planned to collect some money from the committee first while waiting for the sponsor approval from the student welfare. I decided to collect RM 15.00 per person to cover the cost for prizes and the speaker gifts.

            The prizes that I mentioned before is for the programming battle competition. Comp Fair ’20 provided a platform for students to showcase their talent by participating in the Programming Battle. The prizes were divided into two categories, Individual and Team of two. Up next, Prep talk was one of the ways of talk which allow speakers to interact with audiences for a particular theme such as “Mental Skills is Important as Other Skills” conducted by Dr. Zulfikar Ahmad from UTM Counselling Centre, “Challenges During Start-up and How to Survive” conducted by Dr. Ruzimi Mohamed from IMI Creative Sd. Bhd., and “Get to Know the Reality of Internship” conducted by internship students from UTM during the event. Other than that, Computing Alumni League (CAL) which is a forum that brought the topic of “Journey from Engineering to Entrepreneurship”, was conducted by UTM alumni, the CEO and COO of RunCloud company, Mr. Arif Tukiman and Mr. Amir Fazwan. For the speakers of both talks will be given an appreciation gift as a token of appreciation because willingly to join our program.


Position in the Program

  • Treasurer


Graduate Attributes

  • Leadership and team working
  • Effective communication
  • Autonomy and accountability


  • Certificate
  • Committees