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Myza's Info

My name is Myza Nazifa and I'm from Kuching, Sarawak.

I like to read and also scroll my social media during my free time.

I'm taking Data Engineering because I find the course interesting.

  • Faculty: Data Engineering
  • Student ID: A20EC0219
  • Email address:
  • City/region: Kuching
  • Country: Malaysia

Video CV

My Information

Date of birth 7 February 2001
Place of birth Kuching, Sarawak
Citizenship Malaysian
Gender identity Woman

Education history

Kindergarten at Tadika Sang Kancil
4 January 2006

Middle School at SK Rakyat Jalan Haji Bolhassan
4 January 2008

High School at SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman
4 January 2014

Foundation at UTM Foundation
7 April 2019

Degree at University Teknologi Malaysia, UTM
12 October 2020


Personal goals

  • I want to master new languages such as the Korean language.
  • I want to read more books.
  • I want to try cooking.
  • I want to try living a healthier lifestyle.
  • To become a better and improved person.

Academic goals

  • I want to be in the dean's list.
  • I want to achieve great results in my subjects.
  • I want to master more programming languages.

Personal skills

  • Have good time management.
  • Able to stay calm under pressure.
  • Honest.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Editing skills.


  • Reading books
  • Watching movies and dramas
  • Listening to music
  • Traveling
  • Archery






Movies & Dramas

Movies & Dramas

Myza's Plans


Task that needs to be done

Login to my ePortfolio profile using

Editing my profile and adding my profile picture in ePortfolio

I have posted a reflection on what I did today in my profile page.

Tags: #ePortfolio


Completed Individual Case Study - Completion date: 3 December 2020
Completed Video CV - Completion date: 30 December 2020
Completed Group Report - Completion date: 15 January 2021


Completed Design Thinking - Completion date: 8 November 2020
Completed Poster Industrial Talk - Completion date: 13 December 2020
Completed Project Management - Completion date: 24 December 2020

Digital Logic

Lab 4 + Mini Project - Completion date: 7 February 2021
Completed Lab 1 - Completion date: 19 November 2020
Completed Lab 2 - Completion date: 11 January 2021

Discrete Structure

Completed Assignment 1 - Completion date: 30 November 2020
Completed Assignment 2 - Completion date: 27 December 2020
Completed Assignment 3 - Completion date: 7 January 2021

Programming Technique I

Final Project - Completion date: 24 February 2021

Philosophy & Current Issues

Completed Report Kajian Luar - Completion date: 29 January 2021
Completed Slide Kajian Luar - Completion date: 29 January 2021
Completed Report Bab - Completion date: 29 January 2021

Appreciation of Ethics & Civilisations

Completed Tugasan Berkumpulan - Completion date: 1 December 2020
Completed Video Pembentangan - Completion date: 15 December 2020
Completed Lagu Hedonisme - Completion date: 21 December 2020

Year 1 [Semester I]

Discrete Structure

Discrete Structure

Digital Logic

Digital Logic

Technology & Information System

Technology & Information System

Programming Technique I

Programming Technique I

Graduate Success Attributes

Graduate Success Attributes

Appreciation of Ethics & Civilisations

Appreciation of Ethics & Civilisations

Philosophy & Current Issues

Philosophy & Current Issues

Year 1 [ Semester II ]

Probability & Statistical Data Analysis

Probability & Statistical Data Analysis

Programming Technique II

Programming Technique II

Computer Organization & Architecture

Computer Organization & Architecture

Human Computer Interaction

Human Computer Interaction

Science & Technology Thinking

Science & Technology Thinking

Academic Communication Skills

Academic Communication Skills

Leadership & Community

Leadership & Community

Reflection RSS

Discrete Structure

By learning this subject, I have gained a lot of new knowledge that I find really useful for my future career and future studies as a data engineering student. I really enjoy learning this subject as Mathematics has always been one of my favourite subjects and most of the topics covered in this subject are the topics I like. My goal for this subject is to achieve a good result and get deeper understanding about the subject. To achieve that goal, I will try my best to explore more about this course and gain more knowledge so that I can become a more knowledgeable.


Reflection RSS

Programming Technique I

My main goal for this course subject is to learn and master the C++ language so that I can develop a code that can help the society as it has always been a dream of mine to contribute something useful to the society. In this course, I have managed to improve my design thinking skills and problem solving skill as making a code requires a lot of these skills. Therefore, I will study and practice more on C++ language and other programming languages so I can achieve those goals of mine.


Reflection RSS

Graduate Success Attributes

After learning this subject, I have gained a lot of new knowledge that I can imply in my daily life. For example, I realised that I need to sharpen my soft skills such as my communication skills and my teamwork skills since it is very important for a future graduate to have this skills. I learnt that to secure a job, I need to acquire a very good soft skills rather than just having good grades since most companies prioritize people having good soft skills. With that, I had the motivation to improve myself to become a more skilled person. In class, Dr. Nicole always share her life experiences with us and her stories always inspire me to become a better person. For example, she always inspire me to never give up even when I think my chances and future is bleak. She also inspires me to become a more open-minded person and to always think critically and to think from different perspectives. To being able to become the person that I want to be, I will try to be more outgoing and communicate with more people from different backgrounds so that I can understand people's various perspectives more. Even though we are learning online, Dr. Nicole is always engaging us to give our opinions during class and this has made the class more enjoyable. All in all, this class has helped me a lot in preparing and developing myself for my future especially career wise. 



Reflection RSS

Appreciation of Ethics & Civilisations

From this course, I have learn a lot of new things that I have never heard or known before. I learnt many ethical concepts from various perspectives that made me open my eyes more and became more aware of such issues. The realisation of the importance of having an open-minded mind and being aware of different issues in different perspectives has motivate me to become a better and improved person. I really enjoyed learning this subject as it touches various things that captivated my attention. Therefore, I will try to implement everything I have learned in this course subject in my daily life so I can become an ethical person.


Reflection RSS

Digital Logic

After attending the classes for this course, I have managed to learn a lot of new things that I think will be useful for my future. I have also learnt how to use Deed Stimulator as I always use it to do my lab assignments since we are unable to attend classes physically due to the pandemic. By using Deed Stimulator, I have managed to create my own circuit hence I hope that I can try create my own circuit physically in the lab. Through this course, I also managed to enhance my critical thinking skill and able to think more creatively as I need to design the circuit. With that, I will always try to explore more on this subject so I can enhance my skills and become more knowledgeable.


Reflection RSS

Technology & Information System

In this subject, I have gained a lot of knowledge about the basics of computer and internet and how it works. I also learnt about the management of information systems which is beneficial for my future career as the knowledge and skills I required from it can play a huge role in my future career.  Throughout this semester learning and attending classes for this subject, my teamworking skills and communication skills have really improved as I need to communicate a lot in this class since all of our assignments are group assignments which requires teamwork and communication skills. Not only that, sometimes I need to present during class which helped a lot in improving my soft skills. Since I need to attend various talks for this subject, I also gained a lot of new knowledge that cannot be gained anywhere else. I have learnt the importance of having good soft skills and I will try my best to always become a better and improved person in the future by applying for clubs and trying to volunteer myself more during presentation. 


Reflection RSS

Philosophy & Current Issues

Throughout this semester, I have learned a lot of new concepts about philosophy and also have gained a lot of new information about current issues that Malaysia is currently facing that I never knew before which made be became more aware of such issues. In class, Dr. Abdul Halim always encourages us to speak up hence helped me improve my soft skills. It has always been a goal of mine to contribute something beneficial to the country so that our country can overcome the current issues that we are currently facing. To achieve that goal of mine, I will explore more in those issues and gain more knowledge by watching the news and reading more books. With that, I hope I can implement everything that I gained in this course subject to develop myself more and become a better person.


Reflection RSS

Semester I

Throughout this whole semester, I have gained a lot of new knowledge and information from all the course subjects that I have taken in this semester. I also managed to develop my soft skills such as my communication and teamwork skills as I had a lot of groupwork assignments this semester. Not only that, I also tried something new where I took Mandarin classes with my friends so that I can gain new skills that can be beneficial for me in the near future. I also attend a few webinar and activities online that made me develop more. Therefore, even though I didn't get to experience this semester in UTM physically but I still managed to experience various things online and I hope that I can try more new things next semester such as taking part of a club or do volunteering work so I can become a more advanced and improved person. 

SECP 20/12/2020

Today, I have learnt a lot about the ePortfolio such as how to edit my profile, how to create reflections and plans and many more as there are videos that has taught and gave us step-by-step instructions on doing so which were posted in my dashboard. With that, it has made it easier for me to understand and construct my profile.
