My Experience Coming to and Fro from Singapore

My relationship with Singapore

Me In Sentosa Singapore


What i think about Singapore

Despite being born In Malaysia, I always view myself as an exception to any cultural rule because of how I was raised. So I can clearly see from an objective perspective about how Malaysian and Singaporean culture differ, for better or worse. I see Singapore as a more high maintenance place, as things move slightly faster there. The people there seemed to be more ambitious as Singapore being the more richer country. They also have more strict littering laws, that annoy me yet I appreciate greatly and hope Malaysia adopts some of these attributes. Since I have mostly been to the tourism side of Singapore, I observe that they are willing to try to appeal to the tech side of things. 

Why I can Freely Go there

After my father finished his studies in the U.S And worked in Malaysia for a few years. He has received a job in Singapore as a Computer Engineer. He worked in a company called Teradyne and received a special work visa that allows him to enter Singapore whenever he likes. By extension, my family and I can go with him to Singapore whenever we like. To either go shopping, sightseeing or just have fun. Since it's so close to where I live, I can theoretically go there every weekend.

Me and My cousins


Garden by the Bay at night
