Kem Kembara Muslim

This program was held by Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in conjunction with the new intake of students for session 2019/2020. The objective(s) of this program is to develop communication skills as well as to expose these new students of university lifestyle. Plus, the guidelines to be a good Muslim were also being shared during the sessions.


Details of Visit

Kem Kembara Muslim by Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI) UTM

Date    : 27 September - 28 September 2019 (Friday - Saturday)

Venue : Masjid Sultan Ismail, UTM (Day 1)

               Pantai Tanjung Balau, Johor (Day 2)

Tentative :

  • Day 1
  • 1700 hrs - 1800 hrs >> Registration & briefing to participants
  • 1800 hrs - 1900 hrs >> Short tazkirah from PU Rahmat
  • 1900 hrs - 2000 hrs >> Maghrib & Isyak prayer
  • 2000 hrs - 2230 hrs >> Ice breaking session at Dewan Al-Khawarizmi
  • 2230 hrs - 2400 hrs >> Supper
  • 2400 hrs - 2430 hrs >> Al-Mulk recital & sleep
  • Day 2
  • 0500 hrs - 0630 hrs >> bath, Qiamulail, Subuh prayer and tazkirah Subuh
  • 0630 hrs - 0700 hrs >> breakfast
  • 0700 hrs - 0900 hrs >> Depart to Tanjung Balau
  • 0900 hrs - 0930 hrs >> Dhuha prayer
  • 0930 hrs - 1300 hrs >> Group activity
  • 1300 hrs - 1400 hrs >> Zuhur prayer & lunch
  • 1400 hrs - 1700 hrs >> Explorace by the beach, Asar prayer & wrap up
  • 1700 hrs - 1900 hrs >> Depart to UTM


