Produksi Praktikal Teater (PPT 13th)

By Teens and Theater under Persatuan Kebudayaan Citra Daksina (PETERANA) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

What is PPT ?

Produksi Praktikal Teater or PPT in short, was established since 2007.  And throughout these years, TnT had achieved a lot of awards and have win a lot of competition. For instance, recently TnT has won third place in Monodrama Competition among all public universities.

In this teater, there were two production who performed during the 2 days show. Penunggu Pusaka performed on the first day, followed by Lets Chat et Les Lois on the second day. I was an actor for Penunggu Pusaka and a backstager for Lets Chat et Les Lois as a prop manager.

Throughout the training for about a month, we experienced new things and learn on parts of theater that we never know before. A late-night training would be very sufficient for our training, but it costs us in the morning - sleepy at class.

Overall, I loved to be apart of this society again as the people in it were very supportive and willing to hear your problems and guide you to become more professional soon. 

To watch our full performance, feel free to slide in through this link at PPT 2019 13th - Penunggu Pusaka



Post Event


On Stage


