ExCel Activity Report

Indoor Plant for Mind Therapy

Date: 23rd January 2021

Platform: https://www.facebook.com/KolejDatinSeriEndonUTM

Organizer: Kolej Datin Seri Endon

Program Information

To educate the students on the significance of indoor plants for mind treatment, a webinar on indoor plants for mind therapy was organized in conjunction with KoQ Day on January 23, 2021.

Graduate Attributes

  1. Global Citizen
  2. Adaptability
  3. Thinking Skills

Role in the program


Mini Report

A film introducing the attendees to a variety of indoor plants was shown at the start of the event. The indoor plants were carefully arranged on the rack, and the cameraman walked about the room showing each one to the camera one by one. Dr. Nur Fadilah arranged these indoor plants in a tidy manner to demonstrate to the audience that while indoor plants may be relaxing, we must also take care of them by keeping them healthy and arranging them in a pleasing manner around our homes. The senior lecturer at UTM's faculty of biomedical engineering & health sciences is presently Dr. Nur Fadilah binti Darmansah. She welcomed everyone to the webinar, introduced herself, and gave them a warm welcome. Dr. Fadilah demonstrated to the audience how she maintains and arranges her indoor plants at her home as the session continued. She creates a unique space exclusively for her plant to be set up. She will take her time to observe and feel the atmosphere around her indoor plants when she has some "me time." After a long day at work, this will ease her mental burden and help her feel much better.

Self Reflection

I had no idea indoor plants were such important instruments for helping us to relieve stress before I attended this webinar. There are several factors that might make us feel burdened, including a heavy caseload of assignments, a lack of time to complete our job, a team member who is unwilling to work effectively with us on the task, and many more. I often cruise around social media or watch some entertainment while using the internet to decompress. But in the long run, this is not a healthy approach for me to relieve my stress. I already spent most of my day coding programs as my hobby and as such, I should reduce my screen time on my breaks. I might be able to cut down on my screen time with a new hobby such as planting indoor plants. Since plants generate the oxygen that humans need to breathe, I can also create a more fresh and soothing atmosphere in my room. In my spare time, I can also create furniture to feature my indoor plants and further decorate my home. Overall, I was happy that I went to the webinar since I learned a lot that day.

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DSC UTM 1st General Meeting

Date: 15th April 2021

Platform: https://www.youtube.com

Organizer: Google Developer's Student Club, UTM

Program Information

To talk about what is Google Developer's Student Club (DSC) and teach the students a bit about the introductions to Python programming as preparation for more advanced classes in future meetings such as Mobile Developer, Web Developer, Cloud Developer and Machine Learning.

Graduate Success Attributes

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  3. Adaptability

Role in the program


Mini Report

Some members of the Google Developer's Student Club (DSC) volunteered to become the program's speakers alongside with our president to teach others about the introduction to Python programming, including myself as one of the speakers. The president of our club introduced himself as Sze Yuan Lee and he started the talk with an introduction to what is DSC. He talks about how big the DSC community is globally, the vision and mission of the club, and some of the technologies that we will cover throughout the club internship period.  After he finished with the brief on DSC, Yuan gave me and my friend's a turn to start talking about Python. Ivan started it off with an introduction to Python by talking about what Python is about and how it is compared to other programming languages. Ethan then continued by comparing Python code with C++ code and Java code of the same context. He also explained a bit about the basic features such as declaring variables, using print(), and using the various math operations. Lastly, I got to explain the more complicated features such as using if and else, using while and for, and using built-in and user-defined functions. After each of us finished talking about our parts, there were also Quizizz segments so that participants could take a short mental break from taking in information and apply it in a short but fun quiz. 


I have always been interested in computer coding ever since I have used a computer for the first time when I was young and I wondered to myself how it worked. Joining the Developer's Student Club was the right choice that I made to further my passion of computers and I had the chance to gain a variety of new skill sets that I would not have gotten by myself. I volunteered to join the group of speakers because I always thought to myself that the greatest way to learn is by teaching. In preparation of the event, I made friends with the speakers and got to know them better with their past coding experiences. We also shared our knowledge with each other and helped others prepare the slides. I am thankful that I got to make friends while also improving my own skills before having to pass it on for the participants of the event to learn from. It also helped me to further improve my communication skills as I used to have a serious stage fright problem when I was small and being on stage would make me stutter most of the time. This was the confidence boost that I needed so I could join more public speaking events in the future.


Program Seni Dekorasi Terrarium 2021

Date: 29th May 2021

Platform: https://www.facebook.com/KTR.UTM.JB

Organizer: Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa, Kolej Tun Razak

Program Information

The Tun Razak Art Week 2021 (MISTAR'21) program, with the subject Art Synthesis: A Revolution, will be presented by the Arts Exco of the KTR Student Committee (JKM). This program on Terrarium Decoration Arts seeks to increase awareness and disseminate the best methods for making terrariums.

Graduate Success Attributes

  1. Global Citizen
  2. Thinking Skills
  3. Adaptability

Role in the program


Mini Report

Dr. Zulhairun bin Abdul Karim, senior lecturer at the engineering faculty at UTM, JB, was the program's speaker. He began by giving a quick introduction to himself and giving a warm welcome to each student. He introduces the technique of terrarium decoration to the participants at the start of his presentation. He started out by discussing how he got started in 2019 with the terrarium art he uses to embellish his aquarium and paludarium as a pastime. He began working on the Vivarium and Terrarium's ornamentation in 2020. He listed all the supplies required to assemble an aquarium and create the art of a terrarium. The creation of aqua scaping, a more advanced method of building aquariums, is the next stage. He placed some lovely stones in the aquarium and arranged them there. He also added other decorations, like wood, for the fish to play with. In the paludarium, two worlds—the undersea and the land—are often on show. At the conclusion of the lesson, Dr. Zulhairun reviews with the students step-by-step how to create a lovely DIY Terrarium so they may enjoy doing this as a leisure activity.


I last had a fish of my own when I was in primary school. I loved decorating the aquarium with some of the toys that I don't play anymore to be a sort of playground for my fishes. I was never aware that there were different types of vivaria, where the amount of land and/or aquatic features become the determining factor of what type it is. In recent years, I have developed a passion for aquatic life and various plants so I perhaps I could start making my own riparium. Since this topic is still new to me, I may spend my spare time efficiently by conducting some self-research and design a suitable vivarium for the type of fish that I would like to take care of and what plants are best paired with said fish. In order to accomplish my goals, this webinar also taught me to be patient. Finding the right decor for my terrarium may take days in order to make it seem lovely. In order to avoid wasting money on new materials that I would have to buy later, I also need to carefully choose good materials for the decor to ensure that it would last for a long time. Overall, I was extremely happy that I attended this webinar since it provided me with a wealth of information that I can use in my daily life. I'm hoping to enroll in a similar program in the future.
