Year 1 Sem 2


This page contain content from Project 2 PSDA.


Reflection on Project 2 PSDA


Reflection Project 2 PSDA

This is the second project of this subject in my first year second semester. But the previous project is done by group, different from this project that need to do individually. This project is about we do a study about a dataset and do statistical test on the dataset using RStudio. For my project, i choose to study dataset about Home Loan. This dataset collected by Madhan Singh. This data contain information from customers of Dream Housing Finance company that fill a online form to make a house loan. This dataset have population 614 applicant with 13 variables initially but i take 100 sample data with 7 variables to do the analysis using RStudio. The variables that i choose was gender, applicant income, loan income, dependent, and others. There were 4 statistical test analysis carried out which are 1 sample test, correlation, regression, and chi square test of independence. For 1 sample test i use the dependent variable. this test analysis was to reject the null hypothesis and claim that the average mean of the dependent are more that the state in the null hypothesis. the second test correlation. in correlation, i use Applicant Income and Loan Amount variables. The result i got that the relationship of those variables was moderate positive relationship. then for the regression analysis i got the the estimated regression model is calculated using RStudio, where obtain Y= 67.61480 + 0.01824 x. then for the last test, chi - square test of independence. i use gender and education variables. the conclusion i get from this test was gender is independence to the education.While doing this project, i improve my skill in doing analysis about data using the test analysis. i also can improve my knowledge in using RStudio.




Dataset and Rscript