REFLECTION on P.L.O 2 , 3, 5 & 8

2. Able to manage engineering project 

3. Ability to design systems and critically evaluate components, processes or systems related to Mechanical Engineering using total approach

 5. ability to apply knowledge, techniques and tools in solving problems relevant to Mechanical Engineering 

 8. Ability to work as a team


During my 4th semester, i used to take Introduction to Design subject since it was compulsary for all mechanical student. eventhough this subject was just 2 credit hours, but still its a vital one in order to train us manage some projects.

So we were asked to design a ball sorter machine that can sort 4 tennis balls , 4 table tennis balls and 4 squash balls within 30 seconds without using any power supply; purely mechanical. By grouping with another 2 guys in my coursemate, we worked as a team and came out with a lot of ideas. but then, we picked the simplest one since our lecturer, En Kassim told us to do so.



the main concepts for our project were depending on gravity and velocity of the balls, beside their sizes and weights. we just need to buy string and rubber band to sort them before we adjusted the gap at certain distance depends on the sorter. about the other parts of body, we just asked form labroratory.

Every single process had been done at labroratory by using tools & machine that had been used during our short semester; including grinding machine, hammer, saw and many more. About the report, our leader divided the task evenly then tried our best to finish it before due date. and we did it very well.  at the end of the day, during the competition, our project ran well and also got compliment from our lecturer. congrate, teamates Cool




10. Ability to continue in lifelong learning


I love joining any programs that related to lifelong learning; especially in community services & educational camp. It helps me build up my motivation and improve my communication skills with community as needed by an engineer to deal womers.




and its proven; now i communicate better than i used to be; more confident & easy to deal with others. big thanks to  all this priceless experiencesWink



08 October 2011, 11:29 AM


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