Project 1



Online Presentation


The title of our survey is “Chosen café among KTDI student”. Our team decided to conduct a study on the preference of KTDI student only. KTDI only have two cafés which are Mak Ngah Café and Arked Angkasa. We were interested to conduct this topic because we are curious about the students who live in KTDI that have their own favorite cafe. The method we collect data by using google form and share the link through the WhatsApp group. We make 14 questions for the respondent answer. The total respondent we are collected is 56.

From the sample we got ,we transfer the data to the excel and separated data into the specific categories. After that, we make several graph such pie chart, histogram, bar chat ,steam and leave, scatter plot and frequency distribution by using R-Studio. All the graph we made, we applied what we have learnt from the previous class. Using R-Studio such a new experience we had used before. The next step is we make a report based on the data collected and graph.

In conclusion, this project give me knowledge and new experience using excel and R-Studio beside using Dev c++ and other common software. I learnt how to read the sample and interpret data into graph. Based on the current issue which is covid-19, i can relate the the graph that shows new case, total cases and so on from what i learnt before. I felt great that i know how to make it all that stuff.