Probability and Statistical Data Analysis Project 2

Project Profile

In this Project I was trying to analyze the data from around 400 different cars to make predictions regarding the relationship between their various specification. The purpose of this analysis is to get deeper inside into the automobile industry and cars in general. The data I obtained was secondary data from reputable website dedicated to statistical analysis. I have done 4 different statistical analysis which include 2 sample Hypothesis Test, Correlation, Regression and Goodness of Fit.


PSDA Project 2 Reflection

       First and foremost I would like to thank my lecturer Dr Chan Weng Howe, my friends and also family for the help they provided. Thorough this project I have learnt quite a lot about how to do a quality data analysis and interpret the results so others can benefit from it. While doing this project I learnt how powerful R is and how to make the most out of it. I also learnt how and why certain testing methods are used. For example i really liked Regression Analysis because it allows me to make predictions about variables that are otherwise impossible or really hard to estimated. This is also the major difference between inferential and descriptive statistic.

      In general, the process that we went through to create this project was amazing and was very useful to understand the scope of Data Engineering. I hope i can do much more projects like this and keep on getting good at inferential statistics. Thanks.



Project Presentation