Probability and Statistical Data Analysis Project



Probability and Statistical Data Analysis Project

  First of all I would like to thank Dr CHAN WENG HOWE for helping use through out this project from start to end. This is our first major and interesting project for our PSDA course. Through this project we learnt how to properly and efficiently form a perfect team that consist of people with different skill sets that all can contribute to the success of this project. We started of this project by just knowing the theory of how to collect data. But, with the help of lecturer (Dr CHAN WENG HOWE ) who took the time to guide and teach us the tips and tricks for using R Studio.

   We had a lot of meetings after class to come up with the correct questions for our survey. Finally we got out topic which is Electronic Device Usage among UTM Students and we managed to prepare the online survey thanks to Google. It took around 3 days to attain 54 responses after continuously promoting our survey in WhatsApp group. We felt happy with response we had so far and moved on to the analytics part inside R Studio.

   All of us were new to R so it was quite the process to learn things like how to import excel data into R, how to plot graph. how to change axis name, and etc. But with team work we manage to get a hang of it. We still wanted to produce the best looking and most informative graph possible for this project so we put in the extra work to learn the ggplot2 library which instantly gave our graphs new live. ggplot2 library enabled us to customize our graphs much more and gave us more insight that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Around this time unfortunately we were all far away and could not meet. So, we had to improvise by having constant live meetings in google hangouts. This actually helped us a lot to stay up to date and on track.  

   In conclusion, the process that we went through to create this project was amazing and me as a person and we as a team learnt a lot in this process. Its always fascinating for me to see how the raw data we have turns into something much more useful and magnificent with the help of math and statistic. I hope i can do much more projects like this and keep on getting good at descriptive statistics. Thanks.   

Here you can see the standard graph compared to a ggplot graph :



Project Video