Science and Technology Thinking

Science and Technology Thinking

Science and technology thinking plays an important role in science throughout history, revolution of industry and the development of science and technology. It is more about how the interaction between old people,using their mind and create new things. During the ancient time, mechanical devices always used to investigate mathematical and scientific ideas. However, the development of science and technology as well as the creative thinking of people produce the mechanical clock that can provided scientists with a new way to conceive of time. What I could say is many new things are created under the development of science and creative mind of people.


I am very grateful that I have a chance to learn more about the philosophy thinking. Our lecturer always gives away long stories about how the history linked with the development of science and technology. I always grab the opportunity that given by our lecturer to have a discussion on the forum. During the discussion, I can notice that different people have different view about the science and technology thinking from the perspective of east country and west country. I have learnt a lot through this opportunity.


Project 2 Zaman Renaisans
