Programming Technique 1

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Summary after 1 semester

For this subject, I had learned lots of new things because this computer language was new for me. But, C++ is quite similar like programming language that I learned in my matriculation. In my opinion, programming technique 1 courses teach me to become a particular person because this programming language quite tough to learn if I do the silly mistakes. There is a topic that quite challenging which is pointer. One of the reason is it is my first time I learned this topic in this semester. This topic also essential for me to score in this semester because it will qualify me either I can take the programming technique 2 or not. Other than that, I feel lucky that my course had this subject to learn because the highest demand job today need person that able and has skill in programming language. By that, I can easily fit in to the industry without worrying my place in future job. 


cout<<"Welcome to C++";


Operator Presedence


Last lecture day :(


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