In this case study, we want to study the statistics of students using transportation in UTM.
There are several ways for students to move from one place to another in UTM which are car,
bus, motorcycle, bicycle, e-hailing and walking. The purpose of this study is to measure the
preference of transportation by students. Besides that , we also focus on student's satisfaction and
preference towards the ways of transportation and its service quality attributes.


First and foremost, we’ve taken 50 students from the School of Computing as our sample
for our case study. We’ve decided to collect the data by using a survey (Smart Survey/Master Survey) in order to spread and share our survey conveniently. This is because students were often using web messaging applications such as Email and WhatsApp instead of being interviewed directly. In order to get a bunch of data within the meantime, we decided to blast our survey through WhatsApp group. Collecting our data by using surveys shows that our data is a primarydata type where the data originally originates from the students who filled our survey. We also used R software to display the data that have been collected.


Based on the case study that had been held, we can see from the pie chart where the
majority of the respondents are females whereby there’re 33 of them and males became the minority since there are 17 of them out of 50 respondents. The results clearly show that the population of female students in School of Computing are bigger than males which is related to the majority of females respondents. Next, the bar chart presents that most of the respondents came from year 1 since the form was spread among the freshmen and several upper years. The large amount of freshmen somehow affected the results of preferred transportation among students whereby walking was preferable as shown in the pie chart of frequently used transport. This is because the freshmen preferred walking than using other transportations since they are not allowed to bring any type of transportation. From stem and leaf, as you have seen that the maximum amount spent for the transportation per week is MYR 16.10 where we can assume that it’s mostly contributed by students who use e-hailing and cars as their transportation. Besides, the scatter plot shows that the upper year students often use their transports since the majority of car users are upper year students. From that, the maximum amount spent contributed by e-hailing and car users is proven. As for the histogram, the highest frequency for transport use goes to 2. This is because we can conclude that most of the respondents are the freshmen where they rarely moved around the campus since they usually walked rather than using other transport. By using frequency table distribution, we could summarize the amount spent per week and the frequency of it. From the table provided, the highest frequency of the duration was in 1-5 (min) interval which logically the transportation that has been used are walking, bicycle, car and motorcycle since it doesn’t take much time to wait like busses and e-hailing. As a bus user, most of the students have to wait up to 15 minutes since busses do have their own schedule. Although it’s widely answered, we also suffered from some limitations due to the number of freshmen’s respondents who are greater than the others.This somehow affected the overall results where we can see the other transportation didn’t get as many respondents as walking. Because as we all know, most upper year students are cars preferable rather than walking or the other transportation  Provided. In order to overcome these problems, we should blast the form to other years instead of freshmen only so that this will not be biased by freshmen.



● Determine the time taken by students to wait for the transportation.
● Determine rating of students towards their preference of transportation.
● Determine the prefered spot in UTM by the students.



Our chosen topic is UTM STUDENTS TRANSPORTATION. We want to study this case because we want to know the students' voices. We spread the survey through Whatsapp group so that the student can fill in the online survey since coronavirus happened to spread widely in Malaysia. :(

Thank you to my teammate, Hafiyzha,Munawarah, and Syakila for giving 100% cooperation to complete this project!! Not forget to my Dr for teaching us perfectly <3