This dataset is collected by Jakki that is from Hyderabad, Telangana, India . The purpose of this dataset is to show the difference of multiple students based on gender and their preparation for an examination. Other than that this dataset also shown their group race ethnicity, gender  and what is their type of lunch. The type of lunch are free/reduced and standard lunch. For the examination it is divided to three paper which are math score, writing score and reading score. Lastly, the final variable is parent level education. The reason I choose this dataset is to examine what actually affect the student score. This dataset have many probability which are lunch type affect score, test preparation affect score or even parent level od education affect score.



I have identify the main problem and reason of the students bad score in their examination. Sometimes lunch do affect the students examination score. Furthermore to gain good examination score student need to prepare for the examination not just do half of preparation but student must make full preparation for their upcoming examination.  Overall, we can see that the man of population of math score is equal to 80. There is strong relationship between reading score and writing score . Other than that, we can also see that the two variables are dependent or related. Lastly, I learnt a lot about students perfromance because sometimes it was affected by lunch or test preparation or parent level education. I think this case study really useful to help me in the future.

Last but not least thank you to Dr Chan for helping me throughout this project process !