ExCel Report

Linux Workshop 2021

Linux Workshop 2021 RSS

Date: 18th May 2021

Venue: Platform Google Meet

Organizer: BIOMEHS Club

Position: Participant

Graduate Attributes:

  1. Scholarship
  2. Thinking Skills

Reflection: How does this activity contributes to the Graduate Attributes?

1. Scholarship

I believe that the phrase “Learning is a never-ending process” is deeply rooted inside every Computer Science student’s mindset. It is because we know that there is a huge amount of knowledge and things left to be explored in this field currently, which still does not include the upgrowing branch such as data analytics, bioinformatics, cyber-security, etc. Hence, I take this chance to broaden up my knowledge in computer science related stuffs and exposed myself with different kind of operating system that I usually used.

In the workshop, I was given exposure to the brief history, architecture, and distributions of Linux system. It was amusing because I had forgotten how widely Linux distribution (operating system based on Linux kernel) are used for both consumer and commercial used. For example, Android OS which is an operating system based on Linux kernel that commonly reside in people smartphones, apart from IOS. For the architecture part, it is more theoretical and need an in-depth study to fully understand it. This brings to me that if I truly understand the principle behind the operating system, I would be able to produce a better and optimized solution. I can say that the workshop does spark a bit of encouragement and motivation to become a developer somewhere in the future.

2. Thinking Skills

During the session, the participants are encouraged to solve several problems using the Ubuntu Terminal and the basic Linux commands we learnt beforehand. The problems require us to use our thinking skills to tackle it and produce the solution. This also give us the chance to implement our newly learned knowledge from the session.


Linux Workshop 2021's Report
