Journey of Getting AWS Badge

The journey of getting the AWS badge (how do you get the badge? the learning path from know nothing about AWS until you get the AWS badge, the process of learning, exploration and understanding, when do you start, how do you complete the 10 modules, how long it took for you to complete the 10 modules, what does the badge look like, etc)

I have successfully completed my AWS short course in just a week !! I started from 17th of December and it took me a week and I finally end my AWS short course on 24th of December 2021. Honestly, I expect myself to complete it sooner but, there were many other commitments such as assignments, tests and also club activities. But, I still proud of myself for completing AWS short course and gained the most awaited badge which is AWS badge !! :D I am truly thankful for my lecturer, for encouraging me and my classmates and also keep reminding us to complete our AWS short course as soon as possible.

I got the badge by completing all the 10 modules which are the requirements of getting the AWS Badge. At first, i know nothing about Cloud Computing, I heard about it, but I cannot imagine what it actually is. But, thankfully our beloved lectures organised an Industrial Talk on Cloud Computing. So, the first ever knowledge I get to know about Cloud Computing was when I attended Industry Talk 3 by Dr Qusay Al-Maatouk on 15th November 2021. The talk was about Cloud Computing and focusing on AWS (Amazon Web Service). 

Next, a few weeks later, on 17th December 2021, Dr Azurah have created the AWS account for us (me and my classmates). She guided us step by step on how to get into the website and where to watch all the modules. She encouraged us to complete the module as soon as possible so that we can implement the knowledge we gain on the Low Fidelity Project.

Without further ado, I started watching the modules on the same day Dr Azurah assign to us. The first module (Module 1) was just the introduction of Cloud Computing and AWS so it was easy peasy and I think I completed it in just less than 30 minutes, and there was also the test after I finished watching all the videos. As it was just the introduction so, I got it all correct as I said it was easy. 

Then, I continued watching the next module which is Module 2. This module is basically about the Cloud Economics and Billings. I learned that AWS pricing model is pay as you go which gave benefits to the users. Then, I continued until Module 10 which is the last module of AWS short course. I also completed all the test or Module Knowledge Check at the end of every module without repeating the test :D Finally, I received the AWS Badge and downloaded it and save it on my desktop. As you can see on the right part of this page, that is how the badge look like, simple yet meaningful, and below it is also the certificate of completing the badge with my name on it ! 

It was really exciting and full of knowledge journey ! I couldn’t believe I actually completed a short course within a week. I started from zero knowledge about Cloud Computing and in just one week I am fully equipped with all the basic knowledge on Cloud Computing (Amazon Web Service). 

AWS Reflection

A summary of what you have gained from completing the course (get a badge)

From completing AWS short course, mainly I learn about how Cloud Computing operate using services that Amazon provided for the client. There are total of 10 modules, so basically, I learned about 10 different topics on AWS. The first module was the overview of Cloud Computing (Module 1 : Cloud Concept Overview), I learned the basic or the surface of cloud computing and how Amazon provided the services to the user. For the next module (Module 2 : Cloud Economics and Billing) where I learned about all the rate of AWS services and how the billing was generated. Next, Module 3 : AWS Global Infrastructure Overview, it was all about the Infrastructure of AWS such as Regions, Availability Zones, Edge Location and few more term on the infrastructure AWS. Moreover, in Module 4 : AWS Cloud Security, I was exposed with all the security in the cloud in order to make sure the services are secure to be use. In the next module, Module 5 : Networking and Content Delivery, it was all about the networking services such as Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Furthermore, I continued with my next module which is Module 6 : Compute that consists of Amazon EC2, Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and also AWS Lambda. For the next module, Module 7 : Storage I was exposed with all the storage services provided by AWS such as Amazon S3, Amazon EFS and Amazon EBS. Next module was Module 8 : Databases which consist of databases services such as Amazon DynamoDB and also Amazon RDS. For the next module, Module 9 : Cloud Architecture, I learn all the important traits that need to be included in order for our application run smoothly. Lastly, I also finished my last AWS module which is Module 10 : Auto Scaling and Monitoring which exposed me with auto scaling and monitoring using some different services. Finally, I managed to complete all the 10 modules and gained the badge.

Your motivation to complete this project?

The motivation to complete this module was my curiosity on what AWS was, because I have no idea about what it is at first. Moreover, Dr Azurah also keep reminding us that the knowledge from the short course will be use in our project. Therefore, I want to complete it as soon as possible and understand it at the same time so I could contribute to my group project. And yes, during the first part of our project, I am the only one who finished the short course, so, I was assigned to do the AWS Cloud Architecture and guided my groupmates who not yet completed the module.

Your opinion whether getting the badge is easy or difficult? Which modul is the easiest/most difficult

In my opinion, obtaining the badge was easy as I am determined to grab all the knowledge about AWS Cloud Computing. That is why I managed to complete all the ten modules in just a week despite all other commitments; assignment, test and club activities. The easiest module is of course the first module which actually just the introduction to cloud computing concepts and AWS. I managed to complete the module less than an hour because it was as easy as abc. Meanwhile, I would say that Module 6 is the hardest module among all the 10 module. It is not just about the topic, but the duration of the video that took me a long time to finished and understand everything in one shot. But, thankfully I managed to cover all the videos and finally did the knowledge check (and of course so grateful I passed !). Despite all the challenges I still managed to score the knowledge module which I did not expect actually because I find the question was also hard.

What’s a badge worth ?

As the process of getting the badge is by completing all the 10 modules, it is not just a badge. It is the knowledge and courage that I have put to complete all the 10 modules. Therefore, I think the badge would be so valuable in the eyes of employer. Furthermore, the badge will make me different from other employees/candidates who did not have the badge. Other than that, It will be so useful for me to apply to job in my area and it will so be so beneficial to company who want to use cloud computing as I will implement all the knowledge that I have learned based on the modules.

Feedback whether getting the badge improve your knowledge and skills on Cloud Computing

As I said earlier, before this I have zero knowledge about Cloud Computing. I only know the term of ‘Cloud Computing’, but I can’t even imagine what it is until I was introduced with the AWS  short course. The course has given me a lot of new beneficial knowledge that I did not even expect to learn about it. Now, that I have the knowledge, it would be useful if I can implement the knowledge such as in our Low Fidelity Prototype. Maybe one day I can even make my own website or application by using the skills and knowledge that I gain from the AWS short course or implement it in my career or company in the future.

Your opinion whether every company should shift to Cloud Computing?

In my opinion, it depends on the company needs and readiness. Nowadays, Cloud Computing have become a demand on certain company that realize the benefit of using Cloud Computing. The earlier a company shifting to cloud computing, the more advance technology that they use in the company, but it might be not that easy as there are processes that they need to understand before shifting to cloud computing.


Your opinion whether every computer science/UTM student should learn Cloud Computing (get the AWS badge?)

I think for computer science students it would be so beneficial as we can relate it in our course or program. But for other UTM students, I think it is optional, it depends on themselves or their interest. They might have their own short course which related to their program and more relevant to their career path. But, if they want to learn about Cloud Computing it would be extra knowledge for them. It is really recommended as everything is being conducted virtually and does not require any fees to enroll in the course.

Any advice to your friends who have not get the AWS badge yet?

My advice to my friends who have not get the AWS Badge yet is it is okay that you finish the module late, but make sure you really understand all the modules. I truly understand that everyone has their one priorities, so maybe the one who have not completed the badge have something going on that causes them not yet completed the module. But, I really hope everyone can complete the modules as it gave us 10% upon completing the badge. It would be such a loss if you don’t complete it. Wish you all the best ! Better late than never guys !

What is your direction after completing the badge?

My direction after completing this badge is I will try to explore more to study anything related to Cloud Computing. I believe there are a lot more I can learn about Cloud Computing. Other than that, I also wanted to try hands-on activity on cloud computing. This is because in the short course, the lab part was not available for us :( . It would be fun if I get to experience the lab activity in the short course. Lastly, based on my knowledge I gained upon completing the badge, I hope that one day I will apply it in my career as Bioinformatics one day insya allah :)

Your opinion about getting the AWS badge that is included in SECP1513 subject

Honestly, it was a really great exposure for us students about the AWS Badge. Most of us don’t even know that Amazon have Cloud Computing services. Thus, the first time I heard about AWS was from this course. Cloud computing  is also the current demand as one of the 4th IR. Moreover, the badge also contributed 10% to our mark just by completing the modules, so it was really worth it.




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