Extra-Curricular Experiential Learning


Activity Information

Date: 30 April - 5 May 2023
Venue: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Organizer: Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail

Graduate Attributes

  • Communication Skills
  • Leadership and Teamworking Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Enterprising Skills
  • Global Citizen
  • Scholarship
  • Thinking Skills

Role in the Activity

I was one of the committee member in this program:

  • Early stage: Sponsor unit 
  • Before : In charge of Unearthing Merapi Unit
  • During: Multimedia Unit and Unearthing Merapi Unit 


Mini Report

UTM: Abroad At Java (AJ'23): Exploring Java's Cultural Tapestry

Embarking on a cultural exchange program in Yogyakarta, Indonesia was an extraordinary journey that left an indelible mark on my hearts and minds. The program was not just about exploring a new destination, it was an immersive experience that challenged my perspectives, broadened my horizons, and forged lifelong connections. In this comprehensive report, I will delve into the captivating details of our program activities, the memorable moments we shared, and the profound impact it had on our lives.

Preparation Phase:

Leading up to the program, we faced numerous challenges, one of which was securing the necessary funding, especially for our flight tickets. The arduous task of finding scholarships and sponsorships seemed daunting at first, but with the invaluable guidance of our advisor, we successfully managed to raise RM60,000. This collective effort strengthened our determination and fostered a sense of unity within the team. Additionally, our preparation included months of intensive practice to master two dances that symbolized the essence of Malaysia: the elegant Zapin and the vibrant Bollywood dance. Through countless rehearsals, we not only honed our dance skills but also cultivated a deep sense of teamwork and mutual support.

Program Activities:

Arrival and Rehearsal:
The anticipation reached its peak as we arrived at the captivating Yogyakarta International Airport on the first day. The breathtaking architecture of the airport served as a prelude to the wonders that awaited us. For some of us, it was our inaugural flight, and the excitement was palpable. After settling into our hotel, we immediately headed to Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), our esteemed collaboration partner, for an intensive rehearsal session. The cultural exchange had officially begun, and we were eager to immerse ourselves in this enriching experience. The gradual adjustment to the local time zone, with nightfall descending at 5 PM, created an enchanting ambiance that added to the mystique of our journey.

Talks, Campus Tour, and Sports Session:
The second day commenced with captivating talks at UGM, where we engaged in insightful discussions on various cultural and academic topics. The exchange of ideas and perspectives fostered a deeper understanding between Malaysian and Indonesian students. A campus tour followed, revealing UGM's rich history and cultural heritage. The discovery of their unique museum was a testament to the university's commitment to preserving their cultural legacy. Later in the day, we participated in a lively sports session, where we immersed ourselves in traditional sports from both Malaysia and Indonesia. Laughter, camaraderie, and friendly competition filled the air, creating lasting bonds between the participants.

Cultural Show and Exchange:
The highlight of the program unfolded on the second evening, when the grand cultural show took center stage. The vibrant fashion show showcased the dazzling traditional attire of both countries, capturing the essence of our rich cultural heritage. The performances were a breathtaking spectacle, as the enchanting Zapin and energetic Bollywood dances from Malaysia intertwined seamlessly with the graceful Java dance from Indonesia. The stage came alive with a mesmerizing display of talent and cultural pride, leaving an indelible impression on both performers and audience alike.

Village Visit and Community Service:
Venturing into a village near the mighty Merapi volcano on the third day, we embarked on a transformative journey of community engagement and service. As we interacted with the warm-hearted villagers, we were embraced by their hospitality and welcomed into their homes. Engaging in community service, we joined hands with the locals to clean and beautify their surroundings. The experience was humbling, as we realized the transformative power of collective effort and the joy of making a positive impact. Along the way, we immersed ourselves in their vibrant culture, learning about traditional practices such as Kuda Kepang, which provided us with a profound insight into their way of life.

Unearthing Merapi:
One of the most exhilarating chapters of our program was the exploration of the awe-inspiring Merapi volcano. I took charge of booking tickets and conducting a survey to ensure a seamless experience for our group. The journey through Merapi's stunning landscape aboard robust jeeps evoked a sense of adventure and awe. The thrill of traversing its rugged terrain, witnessing its raw power, and experiencing nature's grandeur firsthand left an indelible mark on our souls. The memories of this exhilarating adventure will forever be etched in our minds.

School Visits and Promotion:
On the fourth day, we split into two groups, each visiting different schools. These schools held special significance as they were the alma mater of Hafis, a cherished UTM International student. Our purpose was to promote Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and share the opportunities it offers to aspiring students. Grateful for the sponsorship we received from UTM SRAD (Student Registration Department), we passionately conveyed the benefits of pursuing higher education at UTM. With each school visit, we connected with eager students, sparking their curiosity and inspiring them to consider UTM as a gateway to their dreams.

Cultural Immersion at Museum Sonobodoyo:
The fifth day brought us to Museum Sonobodoyo, a treasure trove of Indonesian history and culture. The museum provided a captivating journey through time, showcasing artifacts, art, and exhibits that painted a vivid picture of the nation's rich heritage. As we immersed ourselves in the cultural tapestry of Indonesia, our understanding and appreciation deepened, fostering a profound respect for the traditions and values that shape their society.

A Farewell, but Not Goodbye:
As the program neared its end, a mix of emotions filled the air on our final day in Yogyakarta. Reluctantly, we bid farewell to this enchanting city that had become our second home. The bonds we forged, the memories we created, and the personal growth we experienced during this transformative journey were priceless. Although physically leaving Yogyakarta, our hearts carried with them the spirit of this cultural exchange program, and the connections we made will remain cherished and enduring.

Abroad at Java program in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, was a truly transformative experience that surpassed all expectations. It provided us with a unique opportunity to embrace diversity, immerse ourselves in a new culture, and forge lifelong connections. The memories we created, the lessons we learned, and the friendships we established will forever hold a special place in our hearts. This program exemplified the immense power of cultural exchange in fostering understanding, unity, and personal growth. It will forever be etched in our collective memory as a milestone in our journey of self-discovery and global citizenship.

Memorable Experience


Cultural Immersion in Java: A Journey of Growth and Learning in Abroad At Java (AJ'23) 

Participating as a committee member in the cultural exchange program to Yogyakarta, Indonesia has been a transformative journey that has enriched my personal and professional growth. Through my various roles in the program, I had the opportunity to develop and enhance a range of valuable skills, broaden my perspective as a global citizen, and deepen my understanding of cultural exchange. This self-reflection highlights the skills I developed and the insights I gained throughout the program.

Communication Skills:
Being part of the Sponsor Unit early in the program required effective communication with potential sponsors and stakeholders. I learned to articulate the objectives of the program persuasively, showcasing its significance and impact. This experience honed my communication skills, enabling me to convey ideas clearly and confidently. As the program progressed, I further enhanced my communication skills through my involvement in the Multimedia Unit, where I collaborated with team members to create engaging content that effectively conveyed the essence of our cultural exchange experience.

Leadership and Teamworking Skills:
As a committee member, I had the opportunity to take on leadership roles within the program. Whether it was overseeing the Unearthing Merapi Unit or working within the Multimedia Unit, I learned to effectively lead and coordinate tasks. Collaborating with team members from diverse backgrounds and expertise enabled me to appreciate the value of teamwork and the power of collective effort. I became adept at delegating responsibilities, motivating team members, and ensuring smooth coordination among different units. These experiences allowed me to develop strong leadership and teamworking skills that will be invaluable in future endeavors.

Participating in a cultural exchange program demands adaptability and flexibility. From navigating the initial challenges of securing funding to embracing the unfamiliar cultural landscape in Yogyakarta, I learned to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. The ability to embrace and thrive in new environments is a crucial skill in today's interconnected world. Through this program, I developed the capacity to embrace uncertainty, adapt to new situations, and find creative solutions to unforeseen challenges.

Enterprising Skills:
Engaging in the cultural exchange program required a proactive and enterprising mindset. Whether it was seeking sponsorships, organizing engaging activities, or exploring new opportunities, I developed an entrepreneurial spirit that empowered me to think outside the box. I learned to seize opportunities, identify innovative approaches, and take calculated risks. This enterprising mindset allowed me to contribute actively to the success of the program and nurtured my ability to be resourceful and resilient.

Global Citizenship:
Participating in a cultural exchange program reinforced my role as a global citizen. Interacting with Indonesian students and immersing myself in their culture helped me appreciate the beauty of diversity and the importance of intercultural understanding. It broadened my perspective, challenging preconceived notions, and fostering empathy and respect for different cultures. This experience has inspired me to become a more active global citizen, committed to fostering harmony and understanding across borders.

The process of securing scholarships for the program was initially challenging. However, through perseverance and collaboration with my advisor, we successfully collected the necessary funds. This experience taught me the importance of resilience and resourcefulness when faced with obstacles. It reinforced my belief in the value of education and the opportunities that scholarships can provide to aspiring individuals. As a beneficiary of a scholarship, I am motivated to pay it forward and support others in their educational pursuits.

Thinking Skills:
Participating in the program enhanced my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Throughout the journey, I encountered various situations that required analytical thinking, quick decision-making, and the ability to evaluate different perspectives. By actively engaging with the diverse challenges and opportunities presented, I learned to think strategically, consider alternatives, and make informed judgments. These thinking skills have equipped me to tackle complex problems and navigate uncertainties in both personal and professional spheres.

In conclusion, my involvement in the cultural exchange program to Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has been a truly transformative experience. Through my roles in different units, I developed valuable skills such as effective communication, leadership, adaptability, enterprising mindset, and critical thinking. Moreover, this program deepened my understanding of global citizenship and the importance of cultural exchange. I am grateful for the growth and learning opportunities this program provided, and I am eager to apply these newfound skills and perspectives to future endeavors.


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