About | FYP20192020 (Dr. Mohd Hafiz Habibuddin)

FYP1-5 –e-portfolio (10%)

  1. The e-portfolio is used for reflecting the planning and the progress throughout the final year project 1. Each student need to write their own reflection for every progress evaluation (i.e. progress 1, progress 2, progress 3) by using e-portfolio.
  2. Student needs to write down each reflection in a single page and submit the completed page to the group FYP20192020 (Dr. Mohd Hafiz Habibuddin). In other word, every student is required to submit 3 pages separately according to the given action plan.
  3. The deadline for the completion of each page is a week after every progress evaluation’s deadline.
  4. The details of the rubric (FYP1-5) is available in your logbook.
  5. Please be informed that the page cannot be edited once it is submitted.



The detail of each submission are as follows:


Remark on e-portfolio

Week 2

Students join the group FYP20192020 (Dr. Mohd Hafiz Habibuddin)

Week 5

ENTRY 1: reflection of progress 1

Week 9

ENTRY 2: reflection of progress 2

Week 12

ENTRY 3: reflection of progress 3



The content of each entry/page can be used including but not limited to:

Entry 1

  • How the student starts their project (What have been done at the early stage of FYP1?/ How do you find reading materials related to your research topic?)
  • Explain the addressed problems, things to improve and goals of your project.
  • Possible hypothesis/possible device or technology applied to solve the problem.

Entry 2

  • Review the literature related to the problem (reliable references)
  • The scope of work
  • Flow of work (methodology)
  • Knowledge/skills required to do the project
  • Hardware/software requirement

Entry 3

  • Summarize the preliminary result.
  • how the device/technology can be applied in the project provides that result?


You are encouraged to upload photos or video to support your e-portfolio entry. However, the duration of the video must less than 1 minute.



FYP2-5 –e-portfolio (10%)

  1. The e-portfolio is used for reflecting the planning and the progress throughout the final year project 2. Each student need to write their own reflection for every progress evaluation (i.e. progress 1, progress 2, progress 3) by using e-portfolio.
  2. Student needs to write down each reflection in a single page and submit the completed page to the group FYP20192020 (Dr. Mohd Hafiz Habibuddin). In other word, every student is required to submit 3 pages separately according to the given action plan.
  3. The deadline for the completion of each page is a week after every progress evaluation’s deadline.
  4. The details of the rubric (FYP2-5) is available in your logbook.
  5. Please be informed that the page cannot be edited once it is submitted.



The detail of each submission are as follows:


Remark on e-portfolio

Week 2

Students join the group FYP20192020 (Dr. Mohd Hafiz Habibuddin)

Week 5

ENTRY 1: reflection of progress 1

Week 9

ENTRY 2: reflection of progress 2

Week 12

ENTRY 3: reflection of progress 3



The content of each entry/page can be used including but not limited to:

Entry 1

  • The goal/objective of the project
  • Explain the procedure/workflow to conduct the experiment hardware/software/simulation/hybrid)

Entry 2

  • Summarize and explain the obtained result
  • An improvement that should be taken based on the result for future work.

Entry 3

  • Describe Gantt chart, milestones


You are encouraged to upload photos or video to support your e-portfolio entry. However, the duration of the video must less than 1 minute.


Created: 21 August 2019

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