TAN LI MIN's Reflection /
Graduate Success Attributes Reflection

 In my first semester of my University life, I involve in an interesting course named Graduate Success Attributes(GSA) with an interesting lecturer named Associate Professor Dr. Azlan Mohd Zain. We were grouped to work on our projects. My teammates are Arif Masyhur bin Mohamed Hatta, Kang Chu Ning, Nur Afifah binti Mohd Dali, Aminul Hakim bin Md Rafie, Lee Bao Yi, Nur Ayuni binti Ab Aziz, and Nurul Liyana binti Mohd Yusof. We had done 3 interesting group projects, and the details about the first two projects can be seen in this link, https://eportfoliogsa.wordpress.com/ , this website is worked by our best teammate Nur Afifah binti Mohd Dali, she is such a responsible person.

       Our first project is the Gesture Games, we had made some group discussion to think about our games. Finally, we figured out three games, which are Clothespin Colour Grouping, "Radio Rosak", and Silent Mode. The process of our game was smooth because of the team working of all of us. From our first project, I had learnt that team working can make a group project be done smoothly. Without the helps of every teammates in our group, our project cannot be done successfully. Furthermore, creativity is very important for us to complete our project and make our project more interesting so that others can enjoy our games as well.

     Our second project is an indoor activity with the purpose of let us know more about tradisional culture. Hence, our group planned to perform the Zapin which is a Malay dance that popular in Malaysia. We had learnt the dance from Youtube. Our second performance is Tarian Lantai that we got our inspire from orientation and the camp that we had attended in. From this project, I had learnt that thinking out of the box is the very important skill to solve some problems, for example we think out of the box to make our performance more attractive to the audiences. Besides, focus is one of the skill that I had learnt from this project. Focusing on something that we wish to complete can make us done our task without distracting.

     Our last group project is shooting a video. We chose the tittle of ETHICS AND INTEGRITY, and we had divide our task to complete the shooting project. The video can be seen in the Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pfcphzlyjU&feature=youtu.be . This project give us an experience on how to shoot a quality video. From the shooting process, I learnt that communication skill is very important to make us a perfect video. This is because communication lets us understand each other and we can discuss our idea together to make our video more interesting.

     Last but not least, I had done the final assignment which is the individual assignment by writting How UTM Seven Graduate Success Attributes Could Affect Your Study And Future Career? From this assignment, I found that lifelong learning is very important. This is because knowledge or surviving skill is very important in our life. One cannot live without knowledge, while we’re busy learning a new skill or acquiring new knowledge, we’re also building other valuable skills that can help us in our personal and professional lives. This is because we utilize other skills in order to learn something new. For example, learning to sew requires problem-solving.