Sc Meet And Greet Session With Academic Advisor /

Before I got to know my academic advisor, Dr. Adila, I was very confused about several matters related to my studies, but after this activity, Dr. Adila answered us about everything we needed to know and left us her office location and number to contact her in case there was any inquiry or need.

Therefore, I benefited a lot from this activity, which explained to me many academic matters and the way things work at the university. So, I consider this activity the most important activity that occurred at the university because the academic advisor was always present when needed and very helpful.
We also created a WhatsApp group to add all the 31 students for whom Dr. Adila is responsible, in order to facilitate communication and quickly obtain news from the academic advisor.
In addition to that, we were also provided with information regarding study credits and the method of grading, which was of great benefit in clarifying the course of things at the university.