Reflection SCSP3204

Problem Solving 2 Team Leader Reflection

On 31st May 2021, a problem solving task was given related to the topic 7 (Object-Oriented Detailed Design) under the course SCSP3204 Software Engineering by our lecturer, Dr. Iqbal. In this task, I voluntarily be the team leader to lead my team to complete this problem solving task.


We are asked to design a class diagram, package diagram and also the sequence diagram based on the case study of the Medical Appointment System (MAS). We went through the case study and analyzed the system requirement and also listed out the tasks that can be performed by each actor before designing those diagrams. 


We have discussed the relationship and multiplicity between each class in the class diagram for MAS before we are going to draw the diagram by using Enterprise Architecture. Same goes to the package diagram and also the sequence diagram. 


Throughout the process of discussion, we have faced some difficulties such as misunderstanding the question, discussion is not that smooth due to the internet connection and also the technical problem of applying Enterprise Architecture. 


However, my team is still able to overcome these challenges by asking our lecturer about the question that my team did not understand well. Besides, we also be patient and active during the discussion so that every member will get into the situation and give their opinions in the discussion. Drawing diagrams by using the Enterprise Architecture is not as easy as we thought, so we did a lot of searching and research on the internet about how to draw those diagrams by using Enterprise Architecture.


In conclusion, my team did learn a lot about designing the diagrams according to the case study and also the application of Enterprise Architecture. From the case study, we also explored the problem from the real world environment and stimulated our problem-solving skills. Having a good object-oriented detailed design is very important during the development process of a system which will help developers understand the system requirements and also can help them to focus on those functions. Lastly, I would like to thank all of my team members including Chia Yin Jian, Ng Jing Jie and also Kennard Tan who are active and like to share their opinions during the discussion and have a good practical ability of designing those diagrams.
