SECR 1013- Digital Logic


About this course

This course is the basis for digital computing and provides a fundamental understanding on how circuits and hardware communicate within a computer. Digital logic is typically embedded into most electronic devices, including calculators, computers, video games, and watches. 

Table of content

1. Digital Logic Overview

2. Number Systems and Codes

3. Logic Gates

4. Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification

5. Combinational Logic Circuit

6. Functions of Combinational Logic

7. Latches and Flip-Flop

8. Counters

9. Shift Registers

Learning website




If u can get this meme, I think u can pass this subject :D


After I learned this course, I know how simple inputs of ones and zeros can be used to store information on computers, including documents, images, sounds, and movies. Thanks to my lecturer, Dr. Nur Haliza who was very hardworking as she started a youtube channel named NUR HALIZA BINTI ABDUL WAHAB UTM. It is not easy to do video teaching and I really appreciate her time and patience as I can watch the youtube video anytime to do my revision. Besides, she also demonstrates to us how to build a virtual logic circuit through software called Deeds so that I can finish my lab assignment and have a better understanding on how the logic circuit works.