Probability and Statistical Data Analysis

Reflection - Project 1 & 2

For Project 1 , me and my team members learn to conduct and analysis the survey about Transportation among UTM students (carbon footprint) which are to identify whether the UTM students are aware of carbon footprint or not and to identify the relationship between transportation and carbon footprints . 

For Project 2, we conduct the analysis about the Majestic Dogs Dominance . the sample is the domestic dogs . we prepare many test to analysis this project . 

These projects taught me that no matter how hard the task is , it can be done if we have a good cooperation with team members and get help from the others . We learn many new skills from these projects such as R programming skills . I would like to thank our beloved lecturer, Dr Erne Nazira binti Bazin for all the kindness and guidance and also the new experiences along these projects conducted . 

Project 2


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