Probability, Statistic and Data Analysis

Probability, Statistic and Data Analysis (SCSI 2143-02)

Course taken on 2018/2019 (Semester 2)

Taught by Dr. Sharin Hazlin bt. Huspi


Probability, Statistic and Data Analysis (PSDA) is one of the subjects that I have taken in this semester. I know some students hate this subject which related to mathematics and they feel hard to understand the questions and this cause them feel pressure. I still can catch up what lecturer tried to teach because I have learnt some fundamentals of probability and statistic when I was studying Form 6. I love to learn probability and it is interesting and tricky because it can be applied in our daily life such as the probability of getting A in the examination.

          Through out this subject, I learned how to interpret primary data and secondary data. While doing the group projects, I learned how to communicate and discuss the data among my teammates. Some arguments and disagreements happened and we tried our best to solve them, thus we can progress our project and perform the best idea of what we discovered based on the data collected or chosen to all my course-mates and lecturer, Dr. Sharin. 

      I, as a undergraduate who taking the course Data Engineering, feel that this course will help me a lot in the future when interpreting data. I strongly suggest this course can be applied by other courses since it may give an idea of how to interpret data and do the analysis. Lastly, I want to thank all my course-mates and also Dr. Sharin who always encourage me and give me idea to perform better. Learning new knowledge make a man wiser. So, let us learn PSDA together!!

