Á propos de la france (About France)

L'Hexagone ( France)

France is called as "L'Hexagone" because it is roughly hexagonal in shape.


La Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower)

  • Built by bridge engineer Gustave Eiffel in 1889
  • 300m tall
  • Tallest building in the world till 1930

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Le Drapeau Tricolore ( French Tricolour Flag)

  • A vertical tricolour flag of blue (bleu), white ( blanc) and red (rouge)

  • These colour dare from the Revolution

  • Blue and red are traditional colours of Paris while white is the ancient French colour that represents the King and the royalty

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The Motto ( Liberté, Equalité, Fraternité )

  • The national motto of France
  • Dates from the Revolution
  • Symbolizes the values of French Republic
  • Liberté (Liberty)
  • Equalité (Equality)
  • Fraternité ( Brotherhood)



Le Coq Gaulois ( The Gallic Rooster )


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La Marseillaise ( National Anthem )

  • Written by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in 1792
  • As a war song to motivate the troops from Marseille, on their way to Paris and the north eastern border of France where the new Republic was attacked by neighbouring countries

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La Fete Nationale ( Bastille Day )

  • Celebrated on 14th of July each year
  • Was first celebrated on 14th July 1789

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