
Technology And Information System


Course Code: SECP1513

Section: 06

Lecture: Dr Aryati Bakri

Group Member:



Course Files



Design Thinking


The development of a system is basically a step by step process for a developer. This process includes different phases such as planning, analysis, design, development and maintenance. On the other hand, system means a set of instructions that performs together to get a work done. The term design thinking refers to the process of developing new concepts and ideas that aims to solving a problem. Our project topic was “System analysis and design” and the task of this part of information technology is to work for the development of information system through in depth understanding of what a system should do and how a system works together. There are 5 steps of design thinking:


                     Design thinking



Empathize: This is the first step of design thinking. This step helps us in getting idea about what we want to solve.

Define: This is the second step in design thinking. Here we gather our research works on the problem and can create roadmap on solving a problem.

Ideate: In this step, we brainstorm about the topic. We try to explore different kind of solution for a problem.

Prototype: Prototyping helps us to get the physical form of the solution that are going to get. Thus we can get feedback from the user.

Test: This is the final step. Here we test the solution if it is suitable for the problem and good enough to solve the task.


Our group consist of three members. During this project, we try to find a system related problem that students of UTM are facing. The problem is lack of synchronisation between UTM Smart mobile application and MY UTM online portal. Every semester, we need to pay our tuition fee, hostel fee, event fee etc. through the online portal or the UTM Smart mobile application. Here the problem arises. For example, If we make the transaction through UTM smart mobile application, they automatically redirect us to the online banking portal. After completing necessary steps, the payment is done and they provide us with a receipt as a confirmation of the payment. After this, when we go to my utm online portal, the fee is still there as outstanding balance. So the problem is not having proper connection of the student portal with UTM Smart mobile application.

During our team work session, we the group members were trying to find out what could be the possible reasons for such problems. And we were successful in finding out some of the possible reasons such as it may occur due to hardware problem. It could be the user’s hardware or it may occur due to the fault of owner’s hardware. Or it may occur because of slow internet connection. This also applies for both the user and the owner of the application or the online portal. Another reason could be human error. The person who is responsible for updating the system, probably he is facing difficulties in performing his work, thus creating problems.

We also tried to find out what can be the solution for solving this issue. And solving a problem like this totally depends on how we trace the source of the problem. As said before, the source of problem can be more than one. So we must identify what problem it is and then we should proceed step by step for the solution. If it is the problem of user’s hardware, then this should be solved at first. If he problem occurs due to internet connection, then the authority should look forward to solving this. They can arrange a network connection with higher speed than before. If the network connection is okay, then the problem could be in the hardware of authority. Or on the other hand, if the problem occurs due to human error, then the authority must take step to train the responsible person properly. Or it could happen because of shortage of staffs. For this, the responsible office should take step to increase number of staffs. 


We hope that this course will help us achieving an in depth knowledge and understanding of how a computer and system works. It will also help us developing our problem solving skills, give us idea about how to analyse a problem and what steps must follow to achieve proper solution for a problem. Thus it will increase our thinking ability, problem solving ability, analysing capacity etc. we will also be able to understand the usage of different types of computer system, parts of information system and their capabilities. This design thinking assessment helps us to improve our performances in many ways. First of all, it gives us idea and knowledge about what design thinking actually is. Moreover, we also able to learn how to correlate with one part of a system to another part in order to keep a system running perfectly. Besides, while doing our assessment, we were biund to find a system related problem and possible solution of it. Thus we have learnt how to think out of box to find and sort any problem and how to get the solution finally. To achieve success in this industry, we need to learn more about how design thinking process works and practice more problem solving task. We must know the art of thinking out of the box and must have to be master in finding out proper solution of a problem.










We have joined lots of events to understand how technology important is. And Let us more understand computer, so lecture arranged CICT event for computer story.

1. Industry Tech Event 

Oznosis of Oil Palm Biomass

- Zero waste for biomass fractionation into cellouse and lignin ribbon mixer.
- Improve contact between wet biomass and gas flow.
- High cellouse recovery and lignin degradation.
- The design is safe and user friendly with automatic setting system.

Synapse Platform
- C u s t o m i z a b l e dashoard for data analytics.
-Edge computing integration in cloud infrastructure.
-Real time data monitoring in mobile.
- A machine learning service on the cloud.

GO Green Go Sweet
- Delay thebrelease of glucose into the blood.
- Promote brain health.
- Improve sleep.
- Regulate cholesterol level.
- Improve bone and joint health.
- Improve eyes health.
Untitled.png.2 Untitled1.png Untitled3.png.1

Oznosis of oil              Go green sweet      synapse platform


During the library visit, we can see a lot of old devices related to information system. Those devices paved the way of success of ultramodern devices. We have seen the first computer, old school data storage system, old times printing and type writing technology etc. Those things help us to develop our concept on how the evolution happens on information technology system and how they worked. Thus this visit helps us a lot to development our sense of understanding.


     Hunter Penrose Camera


  Mainframe Data Storage Model

3. Instruction Of MagicX

At the beginning, I thought developing app is very easy only we can program. From this introduction, it is quiet hard to develop, and work almost as a team if we want to make big app. Generally, the simplest of an APP is a few thousand ones. This kind of thousands is the simpler graduation design for college students. Generally single-ended (Android or Apple) does not include the background (no need cloud data interaction is required, and all data is stored interactively on the local mobile phone itself). And it cost very high, at least RM20k. Then how to develop? there are some steps were talked in group work:

1. Brainstorming

People share their ideas or find the problem and so on

2. Story Boarding

Draw basic shape what you designed

3. Defining Concept Art

use PS or other software, put color into objects

4. Sample Mockup

design what kind of mock up need in app.

5. Create Assets

Add more details such as each processing.

6. Game Developer

Publish the app

All steps are done, so what is the next?

WeChat Image_20191223003541.jpg

Being developer is that we have to continuously learn what we want to learn, new technologies, new platform features, new programming languages, and our full-time work often does not allow us so many opportunities Complete new things by ourselves, so it is necessary for developers to use own projects to learn.