Reflection of TIS


Tags: SECP1513

E-portfolio Project-TIS

What happened? What did you do? What were the results?

I appreciate I can learn this subject because through learning this subject not only improve our knowledge and also improve our thinking skill in term of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. For example, design thinking is one of the assignments which need us to analyse the problem, find the solution and create our new point of view to solve the problem of users. Through this subject, we can learn that how teamwork is that really important in our group assignment even in future working life. I will enhance the skill which I learn from this subject (TIS) in my club events and future life. Hence, this can be considered as lifelong learning.


What would you do differently?

Technology is one of the inventions which make our life easier. But in terms of moral ethics and privacy security, we should use our wisdom to determine what can do what cannot do by using technology. We should appreciate we have many chances to in touch with technology this term. We can in touch with natural and don’t bind with technology sometimes. For concerning our health, we should spend our time with family by quality not quantity term only. We still have many things more important than spending time with gadgets those things. Hence, we should spend our time wisely to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


How might you use this skill experience, or knowledge in future projects or endeavours?

We should use our knowledge and ability to contribute to ourselves, our family, our society, our country, and our world. This world belongs to us. Everyone has the responsibility to make our world become better. Nowadays, everyone cannot live without technology. Technology lets everyone be connected in anytime at anywhere with anything. My dream is to design an Education Gaming System. By learning this subject, I believe that I have the potential to achieve my dream in my future life. We should always zero our mind to have before starting learn a new thing and also imagine others is perfect (10) then we can improve our skill in many aspects.
