Group Project

Project Report PDF

Presentation Video

Self Reflection of Project

In the beginning of the project phase, my team members and I totally don’t know what this project is about what thing. We keep repeatedly reading the project overview to try to understand the overall project. After attending workshop of the project, we seem like having a correct direction for conducting this project.
At the beginning time of doing this project, I feel like anxiety and novelty at that time. I am feeling anxiety is because the due date of submission project phase kept closing. Before starting to do thinking, organizing and planning the project, I have read the project overview with a excitement feeling. Since we are at pandemic period, we all stay at home and also we need conducting online meeting to do the project together. We based on the lecturer slide, pre-recorded video of lecture and online platform to try to overcome our difficulties which are cannot have a face-to-face learning and meeting with team members.
The good experience is we split all phase of our project to small tasks to all of the team members and we finished our tasks before the due data given by Project Manager. The bad experience maybe is sometime I want the on-the-spot replies of group member but some of my team members maybe are busy his stuff so he late replies in discussion group of the project. This maybe is caused by my behaviour which is too anxious of wanting their feedbacks.
Besides that, those problems let me think back what is the initial mission goal why we doing this project and not need to care all of the small problem as long as the problems have been solved. The main area of concern on the future is my soft skill which are time management skill and having a good interpersonal relationship not only having the knowledge. The way how to make the knowledge which can help us to practically solve our life problems.
After completing this report, I found that to build a database, you need to think about more and more details slowly. As I go deeper and deeper, I will find that there may be some errors in what I have done before and need to be changed. Maybe this is not a perfect database. From the process of doing this report to the completion of the report, I mainly learned from conceptual ERD to how to write SQL script. The remaining question is how to improve this database step by step to make it easier for lecturers to score assessments, and students can better understand why such scores are obtained in classwork, and all data is more transparent between lecturers and students.
In conclusion, my overall performance is not perfectly emerging when carrying out this project. I need to put oneself in someone else's shoes to make my group project can be proceeded more smoothly. I need having more experience to overcome and strengthen my mindset to solve the problem in my life
